2012-07-24 04:51 Update:
okey, Problem solved by myself. i just replace the current sources.list with the one from Live CD, now apt-get is working
BTW, isn't there any IRC channel of Linux Deepin?
okey, Problem solved by myself. i just replace the current sources.list with the one from Live CD, now apt-get is working

BTW, isn't there any IRC channel of Linux Deepin?
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this is my first post in the forum. i'm a new user of Linux Deepin and using 12.06 now. i'm happy so far with it. i'm from Bangladesh. so i'm using the English version of Linux Deepin 12.06.
but suddenly i've done a mistake and facing problem with package installation, i changed the server (under software sources) from 'custom server' into 'Main server' and now i'm getting error while trying 'sudo apt-get update' command:
and i can't install any new package using apt-get now :roll:
as an example, when i'm giving following command to install Wine:
it's giving me error like:
what can i do now? how can i return back to 'custom server' from server option under software sources, there's no such option called 'custom server' under that server option list. i'm in deep trouble now.
here's my sources.list file:
plz anybody help me. thanks in advance.