Theming, Mirrorlist, Ubuntu Tweak
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2013-06-21 11:36
Hye Admins, Developers, and fellow members of Deepin users.

There are several questions that came up in my mind as I've installed this wonderful OS on my machine.

1. I think this OS is still somewhat buggy and glitchy. As I'm typing this post, Firefox seems have glitch several time. I don't know what cause it to happen, but I can sure you this doesn't happen in other distros that I have tried.

This 'glitch' here also happened to DPlayer and DMusic. I don't know how to describe it in a proper word, but it does, happened.

2. There are no easy theming for Deepin. Ubuntu Tweak seems to not working in it. This is the output when I tried to launch it from Terminal:
compizconfig - Error: dlopen: /usr/lib/compizconfig/backends/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
compizconfig - Warning: unable to open backend gsettings, falling back to ini
compizconfig - Info: Backend     : ini
compizconfig - Info: Integration : true
compizconfig - Info: Profile     : deepin
du: cannot access ‘/home/deepin/.cache/thumbnails’: No such file or directory

(ubuntu-tweak:15225): Gtk-ERROR **: GtkBox child GtkTreeView minimum width: -1 < 0 for height 360
Trace/breakpoint trap

3. Can someone tell me the easiest way to change mirrorlist, because the Official mirrors seems to be too slow for my country.  I know that I can use Ubuntu Sources List Generator, but unfortunately it does not show all of available mirrorlist for my country, so I can't choose the fastest mirror.

4. Is there any .deb packages out there for DPlayer, DMusic and Deepin Software Center?

EDIT: Ok, I found them. But only DMusic Player is working perfectly in Linux Mint. DPlayer on the other side don't. This is the error when I tried to run it from Terminal:
Please import deepin_utils.file.get_parent_dir, this function will departed in next release version.
Please import deepin_utils.file.get_parent_dir, this function will departed in next release version.
Please import deepin_utils.file.get_parent_dir, this function will departed in next release version.
插件模块加载失败...模块 plugin_cdrom 缺少变量auto_check = True
模块:缺少: start_plugin
模块:缺少: start_plugin

(deepin-media-player:542): GLib-GIO-ERROR **: Settings schema 'org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power' does not contain a key named 'current-plan'
Trace/breakpoint trap

5. The dock is not customizable. Nothing can be added to it, other than pinning the opened windows.

6. No way to add a workspace.

7. Is there any chance that we can change the keyboard layout? The keyboard layout button in the System Settings doesn't work for several users out there.

I have one suggestion for developers. I really hope that the application launcher can be make to look like the one in elementary OS Luna. It is 'small', but very efficient on the same time, and fast too.
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All Replies
2013-06-26 15:36
#1 body have the answers?
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2013-06-26 16:14
Sorry ,my English is poor
3.Deepin Software Center
You can find the way to solve your problem in the two software.I don't know how to put it in English.
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2013-06-26 17:14
The DE is just a start, so the main goal of the DDE 1.0 is to realise the basic functions. There is many bugs with it, especially the compiz. I think the Question 1 may have relationship with it.
There are no easy theming for Deepin. Ubuntu Tweak seems to not working in it. This is the output when I tried to launch it from Terminal:
Ubuntu Tweak have conflicts with compiz, so you'd better uninstall it, or your computer maybe get black when reboot(It happens to me  :cry: ).
Can someone tell me the easiest way to change mirrorlist, because the Official mirrors seems to be too slow for my country. I know that I can use Ubuntu Sources List Generator, but unfortunately it does not show all of available mirrorlist for my country, so I can't choose the fastest mirror.
You can find it in the Settings of Deepin Software Center.
The dock is not customizable. Nothing can be added to it, other than pinning the opened windows.
No way to add a workspace.
It is said that these functions will be added in the DDE 2.0, so just give the team some time and I believe that they can bring us a wonderful DE.
7. Is there any chance that we can change the keyboard layout? The keyboard layout button in the System Settings doesn't work for several users out there.
Sorry , I don't know.
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2013-06-26 19:27
Sorry about that. I just know that the developers were on their travel, so maybe we will have to wait for their return for the answers.
As I know, this version of DDE was just a start of the newly developed DE, so some function was just not so perfect.
Sorry to my poor English~~
Hye Admins, Developers, and fellow members of Deepin users.

There are several questions that came up in my mind as I've installed this wonderful OS on my machine.

1. I think this OS is still somewhat buggy and glitchy. As I'm typing this post, Firefox seems have glitch several time. I don't know what cause it to happen, but I can sure you this doesn't happen in other distros that I have tried.

This 'glitch' here also happened to DPlayer and DMusic. I don't know how to describe it in a proper word, but it does, happened.

2. There are no easy theming for Deepin. Ubuntu Tweak seems to not working in it. This is the output when I tried to launch it from Terminal:

[quote]compizconfig - Error: dlopen: /usr/lib/compizconfig/backends/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
compizconfig - Warning: unable to open backend gsettings, falling back to ini
compizconfig - Info: Backend     : ini
compizconfig - Info: Integration : true
compizconfig - Info: Profile     : deepin
du: cannot access ‘/home/deepin/.cache/thumbnails’: No such file or directory

(ubuntu-tweak:15225): Gtk-ERROR **: GtkBox child GtkTreeView minimum width: -1 < 0 for height 360
Trace/breakpoint trap

3. Can someone tell me the easiest way to change mirrorlist, because the Official mirrors seems to be too slow for my country.  I know that I can use Ubuntu Sources List Generator, but unfortunately it does not show all of available mirrorlist for my country, so I can't choose the fastest mirror.

4. Is there any .deb packages out there for DPlayer, DMusic and Deepin Software Center?

EDIT: Ok, I found them. But only DMusic Player is working perfectly in Linux Mint. DPlayer on the other side don't. This is the error when I tried to run it from Terminal:
Please import deepin_utils.file.get_parent_dir, this function will departed in next release version.
Please import deepin_utils.file.get_parent_dir, this function will departed in next release version.
Please import deepin_utils.file.get_parent_dir, this function will departed in next release version.
插件模块加载失败...模块 plugin_cdrom 缺少变量auto_check = True
模块:缺少: start_plugin
模块:缺少: start_plugin

(deepin-media-player:542): GLib-GIO-ERROR **: Settings schema 'org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power' does not contain a key named 'current-plan'
Trace/breakpoint trap

5. The dock is not customizable. Nothing can be added to it, other than pinning the opened windows.

6. No way to add a workspace.

7. Is there any chance that we can change the keyboard layout? The keyboard layout button in the System Settings doesn't work for several users out there.

I have one suggestion for developers. I really hope that the application launcher can be make to look like the one in elementary OS Luna. It is 'small', but very efficient on the same time, and fast too.[/quote]
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2013-06-26 20:56
Thank you all for your answers. I'm greatly appreciate it. I really do.

But about setting mirrorlist, in Deepin Software Center, the only option that I can use there is select the fastest mirror, which is Deepin mirrors of course. But what if I wanted to add other mirrors, say it Ubuntu or Linux Mint. Can I do this?
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2013-06-27 15:59
Thank you all for your answers. I'm greatly appreciate it. I really do.
But about setting mirrorlist, in Deepin Software Center, the only option that I can use there is select the fastest mirror, which is Deepin mirrors of course. But what if I wanted to add other mirrors, say it Ubuntu or Linux Mint. Can I do this?

Yeah, that may be a big problem for users out of China mainland. We are contacting many mirror sites try to add support for Linux Deepin mirror.

Linux Deepin's repo includes ubuntu and deepin self's. You can replace the ubuntu part in the /etc/apt/sources.list file with the best mirror for you.
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2013-06-27 16:21
Yeah, that may be a big problem for users out of China mainland. We are contacting many mirror sites try to add support for Linux Deepin mirror.

Linux Deepin's repo includes ubuntu and deepin self's. You can replace the ubuntu part in the /etc/apt/sources.list file with the best mirror for you.

What about theming? I have installed several icons that I would like to use. I tried changing them using Gnome Tweak Tool. But the only icons that successfully changed were only in File Manager. Other than that they just stuck to default design.

Will Deepin developers consider this thing? I am very happy if the next update or release will have better theming support.
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2014-09-26 00:05
i am not able to open the software- center after upgrading the computer
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2014-09-26 12:09
Please execute the following command in terminal:
sudo apt-get --reinstall install deepin-software-center deepin-software-center-data -y
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