2013-12-01 14:00 Reply Like 0 View the author
How do I configure this applet? It appears on my desktop showing "0.0" degrees, "No Network", and "loading.....". If I click on 'No Network' a text-entry field is opened, which I can enter text into but it is not accepted. Clicking on 'loading......' brings up window containing 5 enteries of "Sun" and "0.0" degrees. I'm at a loss what to try next..
Thanks guys. It was a network problem - for some reason, when I entered text, the applet wasn't showing a list of probable locations. It's working now though, - although the list of locations being provided is completely USA-centric. For example, if I enter the capital city of my country (Dublin, Ireland) all I get is a list of Dublin's in the USA. Even entering names of huge cities like Paris or London only supplies a list of American locations.
I had to enter 'Ireland" to get it to work for me, and granted, Ireland is small, so it's acceptable, but people from say France have to enter "France" for it to work - one temperature for the whole of France!!! Same goes for the UK (the only other countries that I've tried). This is silly and needs to be fixed.
I figured that the problem was with the US-centric Yahoo. But why is Deepin using this source if it is only supplying locations of US-data? I have just tried a few locations in China itself and none of them work!!! It only works if I enter "china" - which is both ridiculous & hilarious!
PS: The temperature returned for "China" is -11 DegC - chilly, wherever that is! I was feeling sorry for myself here at a relatively balmy 4 DegC in comparasion.
you're welcome, thanks for addressing, however I closed out of the applet, how do I restart it?
hummm that command did not work, it is still just blank do I need to log out and back in ??
I just rebooted and the weather app now works well and displays locations I chose in previous login.
I Love the weather applet, however it doesn't save my preferences. When I reboot into the desktop session the locations that I chose on previous login are no longer displayed and I need to repeat the process of choosing locations every time I login.
Keep up the great work!
I look forward to your reply.
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