2013-12-27 21:51 banner1.1.png
Recently, we have received feedback from our users that their connection to our official repositories is very slow. We understand that the slow speed can be quite annoying, and has an impact to our users’ experience. Therefore, we attach great importance to a more stable and faster connection and are mailing mirror providers and universities around the world to have their support.
Meanwhile, we need you to spread the word. Linux Deepin is almost the most popular and actively developing distro in China and is known to nearly all Linux users in China. However, it is still not known to many of those who do not live in China. The open source world needs something fun. It needs a distro with a designer’s touch, which will make Linux more pleasant and easy to use.
If you are one of the mirror providers, please consider mirroring Linux Deepin, which will benefit the whole community. We would also appreciate it if our users could contact mirror providers and request their support.
We always listen to your needs. Please tell us if you have any questions or suggestions.
contact us:[email protected]
Linux Deepin Team
Follow us:Our website | Forum | Twitter| Facebook | Google+ | Weibo
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Recently, we have received feedback from our users that their connection to our official repositories is very slow. We understand that the slow speed can be quite annoying, and has an impact to our users’ experience. Therefore, we attach great importance to a more stable and faster connection and are mailing mirror providers and universities around the world to have their support.
Meanwhile, we need you to spread the word. Linux Deepin is almost the most popular and actively developing distro in China and is known to nearly all Linux users in China. However, it is still not known to many of those who do not live in China. The open source world needs something fun. It needs a distro with a designer’s touch, which will make Linux more pleasant and easy to use.
If you are one of the mirror providers, please consider mirroring Linux Deepin, which will benefit the whole community. We would also appreciate it if our users could contact mirror providers and request their support.
We always listen to your needs. Please tell us if you have any questions or suggestions.
contact us:[email protected]
Linux Deepin Team
Follow us:Our website | Forum | Twitter| Facebook | Google+ | Weibo
我们急切的希望改善国外Linux Deepin的用户体验,在开展Linux Deepin国际化项目的同时,我们由一直在努力添加海外Linux Deepin软件源,近期我们添加了巴西巴拉那联合大学的Linux Deepin软件源,但是这不足以改善国外大多数Linux Deepin的用户更新体验。
在此,我们面向全球的Linux爱好者发出请求,请帮忙联系海外镜像源以添加LinuxDeepin镜像源,改善国外Linux Deepin的用户体验!
联系邮件:[email protected]
Linux Deepin Team
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