Questions about localization and network adapters
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2014-01-06 06:53
Hello, I'm downloading this OS right now (and dang, does it look beautiful!).
Being a native English speaker, I'm installing the English version. However, does the English release support setting up pinyin input (with ease?). I switch between the English qwerty and pinyin sometimes and that would be helpful.

Also, I have an Ubuntu compatible network adapter. It should work with this distro like it does Ubuntu, correct?
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2014-01-06 15:22
Your network adaptor should be okay. If it works with Ubuntu I'm almost certain it will work with Deepin. As for the keyboard, I'm guessing that if you can set it up in Ubuntu it is possible also with Deepin. How this is achieved I'm not certain but I'm sure it can be one.

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2014-01-06 15:33
I have an Ubuntu compatible network adapter. It should work with this distro like it does Ubuntu, correct?
The driver module and setting of network in Deepin are Almost the same with in Ubuntu.
does the English release support setting up pinyin input (with ease?)
1. You may change the locale setting to zh_CN.UTF-8 UTF-8
1-1. set LC_CTYPE="zh_CN.UTF-8 UTF-8"
How characters are classified as letters, numbers etc. This determines things like how characters are converted between upper and lower case.
1-2. other variables of locale
may be set to either LC_CTYPE="zh_CN.UTF-8 UTF-8" or "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" or "OSIX" or "C" depends on your need.
1-3. try to search by search machine about setting of locale in details will give you more help.
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