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2014-07-26 14:05
Okay so today, I was wondering about the gaming side of deepin.. Currently, the only thing hanging me back from wiping windows is gaming. I downloaded dota 2, and got around 30-12 frames per second, this is a laptop with a i5-3230M and GTX 660M. On windows, it was around 60-40 on low. Something that I have picked up is, my laptop is a MSI GE60 and it has this one feature that will overclock the cpu and graphics card when needed. But what I noticed is that the feature didn't come on during game play. What I've read is that, this will only occur when game doesn't use the graphics card but rather the Intal graphics chip on board. This could explain why the frame rate is terrible, can anyone confirm this? And could this be fixed? For me this is a game-breaker for deepin.
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2014-07-28 20:14
Sorry, frame rate depends on your drive, so it's not our problem.
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2014-08-03 16:28
You are talking about the Optimus Technolojy that has been created by Nvidia. It is not being supported for Linux yet, but you can use Bumblebee which is an open source project to switch your graphics card. To install Bumblebee into your system, you can use following commands.
  1. sudo apt-get update
  2. sudo apt-get install bumblebee bumblebee-nvidia primus linux-headers-generic nvidia-331
  3. sudo reboot
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After that, you can run your applications in command line by just typing "optirun appname". For example;
  1. optirun firefox
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If you want to install a GUI to manage your applications to run directly with your Nvidia graphics card (without using command line), you can simply install the little tool by applying these lines.
  1. sudo apt-get install python-appindicator git
  2. cd && mkdir git && cd git
  3. git clone
  4. cd bumblebee-ui
  5. sudo ./INSTALL
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Hope this helps you.
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2014-08-08 07:35
Holy ****! This solved the problem 100%. I'm getting better gaming performance with linux than windows now. Time to give Linux all my partitions.

Btw, how can I make it, so bumblebee runs when I run dota 2, without launching dota 2 through bumblebee?
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2014-08-09 00:32
Talking about games, is it possible to get english translation of all games we can find in Deepin Games Center?  :geek:
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Feng Yu
2014-08-09 02:45
Talking about games, is it possible to get english translation of all games we can find in Deepin Games Center?  :geek:
The games are almost English flash games. No need to translate the introduction.
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2014-08-09 14:02
Holy ****! This solved the problem 100%. I'm getting better gaming performance with linux than windows now. Time to give Linux all my partitions.

Btw, how can I make it, so bumblebee runs when I run dota 2, without launching dota 2 through bumblebee?
Hi Adjan,

You can change launch options in Steam. Find "Dota 2" in your game library and right click on it. In "General" tab, there should be a button called "Set Launch Options...". Click on it and then write "primusrun %command%" into the field without quotation marks. Click OK. That's all you should do. After these steps you can run Dota by just clicking Play button.

For more information, you can visit ... ?ref=6316-GJKC-7437.

I hope this will help you.
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2014-10-07 18:40
Hi, Ive installed the Deepin 2014 64 in my Lenovo G 400 some games I can run with Dolby V2  Audio, others won't, how I can solve this problem.

Has anybody the high memory RAM usage, I boot the notebook open the monitor and the Deepin is with 1.5 Gb.  And I don't have any extra services installed.
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2014-10-08 22:30
Please upgrade your system to Deepin2014.1, we have fixed this problem.
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2014-10-09 14:51
Hi Maggiezd, I'm using 2014.1 amd 64, and I tryed reinstall, and now I'm running iddle with 900Mb. I 've tested the  Digital Sound with HDMI output, and dont recognize Intel HD / Conexant HD Audio. May I've to install any packges to recognize? Thanks
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2014-10-11 17:50
Sorry to reply late. I have report your problem to the concerned developer, they will handle it asap.
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2023-11-02 18:25
It has been deleted!