Adding a Wine program to the panel
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2014-09-02 21:33
First, I think deepin is the most gorgeous Linux distro I've ever used.  Congratulations!

I do have a problem.  I have several apps installed under Wine.  I would like to add them to the launcher at the bottom of the screen.  So far, no luck.  When I open the app, an icon appears in the launcher, as it should, but right-clicking on the icon doesn't give me the option of pinning it.  I've tried copying the full path that's indicated in the desktop shortcut, but no luck.

Does anyone have any idea how I can get this done?  Thanks.
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2014-09-03 20:38
I have report your problem to developers. They will handle it ASAP and please wait for a short time.
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2014-09-03 21:00
Many thanks!
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2014-09-04 17:34
Jeff, I don't have any Wine programs installed at the moment, but the way all my other programs work, if I want to have one reside on the dock all the time, I right click on the icon before opening the program and select "Send to Dock."

If you have the program icons on the desktop, see if right clicking gives you the "Send to dock" option. I can't try this myself right now, but that's how the other programs work, so maybe it will for Wine programs too. On the other hand, I've found that KDE programs are not compatible with the DDE 2.0 Dock. The "Send to Dock" option does exist, but clicking on it gives me a generic "dummy" icon in the Dock that doesn't open the program. The KDE programs can be opened by clicking on the desktop icon. The fact that KDE programs don't work with the Dock, makes me think it is not surprising if Wine programs also won't work with it. Deepin is a good looking distro, but they have a way to go before it is what I would call fully functionable.

Just a thought. (It can take a while for Deepin to get back to you on some issues.)

Note on terminology: Deepin appears to be calling the line of icons at the bottom of the screen the "Dock" -- it's called the "anel" in some other distros. The "Launcher" is what they call the icon at the far left end of the Dock -- the little rocket ship icon.

Clicking on the Launcher puts "Favorites" on the desktop. What I've done is deleted the default program icons that Deepin put in "Favorites" and replaced them with the programs that either won't fit on the Dock or aren't compatible with it (like KDE programs). Although it isn't as convenient as having those program icons in the Dock, it is better than having to browse through all of the installed programs.

If you want to put your Wine apps in the "Favorites" section, just find them in the All Programs inventory (Click on the Launcher, then click on the "circle with squares inside" icon in the upper left corner -- find the app icon in question and drag and drop it onto the "circle with the star inside" icon (that replaced the circle with the squares icon). If you already know all this, my apologies for wasting your time.
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2014-09-04 21:01
Lots of good info -- thanks.  And I came very close, using your hints, to getting the job done!  Added the app to favorites, right-click on the favorite icon, there's "Add to dock" -- I click on it, but nothing is added to the dock.  I right-click again, there's an option to remove it from the dock, so it must think it's on the dock, but it just doesn't appear.  Very curious.

I'm going to stick with Deepin for right now -- it's just so darned pretty, and functions well enough for me to get my work done.  I do hope they manage to figure this out fairly soon.

My thanks.
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2014-09-05 01:06

I'm glad it was some help. I'm not surprised the job didn't quite get finished -- they need to do some work on the Dock to allow it to accept a wider range of programs. After 2014 came out, I installed a KDE disc burning program (which is much better than Bracero, the Ubuntu/and Ubuntu forks default). When I added it to the Dock, I got a generic icon, instead of the K3b icon. When I clicked on the icon it actually worked and opened K3b. However, since I was adding more than one KDE program to the Dock, I didn't want to have a bunch of generic icons, all indistinguishable from one another, so I started a thread asking about it. I was told they would look into it. That was several weeks ago. In the meantime, Deepin 2014 went all to pieces and necessitated 2014.1, which fixed the freezing and crashing, but also made some things worse. For example, now when I add a KDE program to the Dock, I still get a generic icon, but instead of Deepin identifying it as K3b when the mouse pointer hovers over it, it says "Unknown." And clicking on it doesn't open K3b. So, things have actually gotten worse, not better, when it comes to Dock compatibility.

I don't see any reason why these problems can't be solved, but it will take time. Using the favorites section for programs that can't be put on the Dock adds one step that ideally shouldn't be necessary, but also saves one unnecessary step by avoiding the need to go all the way to the All Programs section. Workable. Ideal? No. But Workable. For now.

And I agree with your general response to Deepin. It's definitely worth waiting for future fixes. I also have Mint 17 Qiana installed, and I can use it if Deepin has a problem or won't do something I need.
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2014-09-05 13:34
Thanks for the thoughts on this.  In the years I've used Linux, I've found that it isn't uncommon for an update to bork things that formerly worked just fine.  They then have to go back and un-bork it.  Sigh.  Kinda like medicine -- take one thing to cure you, it ends up killing you another way, and you have to take another medicine to stay alive.

As mentioned, I'm sticking with Deepin.  I devoutly hope the team continues to work and bring it up to speed to give us a world-class Linux distro.

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2014-12-03 10:49
Is there any update on this?  I'd love to be able to access my wine applications from the launcher.
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2014-12-04 19:08
Put your icons into~/.local/share/applications/wine/Programs/, then you can start it under launcher.
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2016-08-08 12:15
hey how did you get wine on deepin i been trying to find a post about it
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