UFW: WARN: uid is 0 but '/' is owned by 1001 [SOLVED]
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2014-09-11 19:36
Thank you, Maggieszd.

When we see your name, we became happy.  We knew you would help us with this problem.

Thank you very much,

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2014-09-04 06:41
Hello Deepin Community,

I wanted to enable the UFW to default standards, in Deepin 64-bit version 2014.1, so I ran these commands:

sudo ufw default deny incoming

sudo ufw default allow outgoing

sudo ufw enable

So, as you can see, I just wanted a basic uncomplicated firewall set to default standards.

But, this is the warning that I got:  WARN: uid is 0 but '/' is owned by 1001

This is my second download, and installation, and this has happened to me both times.  Something is wrong here.  This is a problem that needs to be reported, but I'm not having any luck filing this problem with the Bug Report folks either.

The Deepin Community needs to know about this.  Issues concerning security are always important.

Thank you,

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2014-09-04 15:20
Sorry, your method is wrong. Which method I search is in Chinese, so please search another one  for a try.
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2014-09-04 17:47
Thank you, Maggieszd.

I appreciate your thoughts.  

I've now filed a bug report.  Its ID number is 0003786.  

We'll see what happens!

Thank you.

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2014-09-07 17:52
Similar problem for me also when i upgraded 2014 to 2014.1, how to solve it reply quick???
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2014-09-08 22:29
Hello vishwa2014,

Thank you for your post.  I can see I'm not alone with this problem.  I reported this security related issue to BUG Tracker.

This problem is serious enough for me to stop using Deepin until this security issue is fixed.  Hopefully the developers at Deepin will notify its users about the problem, and then give us an update to fix the problem.

For the time being, I don't dare use Deepin -- gorgeous OS as it is.

Thank you,

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2014-09-10 10:57
Hi all,
Sorry, I don't know firewall very well, but if you really pay attention to safety, you can install other excellent firewall.
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2014-09-10 20:02
Hi all,
Sorry, I don't know firewall very well, but if you really pay attention to safety, you can install other excellent firewall.

Thank you, Maggieszd.  The problem here is not with the firewall, the problem is with security with Deepin 2014.1.  The firewall works fine with other Ubuntu-based distributions from Ubuntu's Trusty 14.04 -- with the exception of Deepin 2014.1.

This is a security problem with Deepin 2014,1, and it needs to be fixed very soon.  That is why I reported the problem to you.  The developers need to know about this problem so they can fix the problem.  The problem is not with UFW firewall.  This is a security problem with Deepin 2014.1.  Using another firewall will not make Deepin more secure if a part of the security of Deepin 2014.1 is broken.

vishwa2014, too, discovered this problem.  Because we know this is security problem, vishwa2014 and I tell you to help make everybody more secure and safe.  This is a big bug for security, and that is why we get a warning in big capital letters -- WARN.  

Getting a WARN message is no good.

We really are paying attention to safety, that is why we are telling you about this problem!  :idea:

We want everybody to be safe with Deepin 2014.1 -- that is why we tell you about this.  ;)

Maggieszd, we are very happy you write to us. Now you can begin to learn about this problem to help get this problem fixed.  It is a security bug.  The developers need to know about this problem.  You have an important green name, so you can tell them about this.

Maggieszd, thank you very, very much,

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2014-09-11 17:09
Ok, noted. I have reported your problem and advice to developers.  They will test and handle it ASAP.
Thanks for your report and support.
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2015-01-23 12:39
Hello, Maggieszd!  

The UFW issue I reported last September has been resolved in the latest version of Deepin 2014.2.

I thank you, and Team Deepin, so much.

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