Some mistakes in Hungarian language
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2014-10-20 00:39
Hey guys,

This is my very first post here but I'm using Deepin Linux for about 2 days now and as an ex-Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora and Arch user I'm delighted. I don't really know where should I post the problems like this so if I'm at the wrong place please correct me but for now I do it here, so:

As I said there's some grammar fails in the Hungarian version of Deepin. Let's begin:

- Right Click on Desktop --> "személyre szabása" should be "Személyre szabás"
- Right Click on Desktop --> Rendezés --> "Uolsomódosítás" should be "Előző elrendezés"
- Right Click on Desktop --> Új --> "Könyvtár" should be "Mappa"
- Right Click on Desktop --> "Megnyitás a terminalban" should be "Terminál megnyitása itt"

Let's jump to the side menu

- Home should be "Kezdőlap"
- "Energia" button should be "Főkapcsoló"
- "Keyboard and Language" menu should be "Billentyűzet és nyelv"
- Megjelenés --> "rotáció" should be "Rotáció" (with a captial R) or "Elrendezés"
- Alapértelmezett alkalmazások --> That's basically ok, but every word should start with a capital letter, like: Email, Szöveg, Fénykép ....and so on
- Testreszabás --> the same situation like the previous, every word should start with a capital letter: Ikon, Háttérkép
- Egér és Touch Pad --> "Two-finger scrolling" should be "Kétujjas görgetés"
- Egér és Touch Pad --> "A kattintás érintse meg" ...I have no freaking idea what should it be because it is bullshit in Hungarian right now
- Keyboard and Language as I mentioned above should be something else [...] but under this menu --> "Visszajátszási arány" is wrong but I don't know what should it be because it is veeeery wrong right now so I can't fix it. "Kursor villogási arány" should be "Kurzor sebessége"
- "Billentyűparancsok" will be a different phrase cus' ...oh boy, that's massive
- Boot Menü --> "inditás késleltetése" is good but the i is capital, so "Inditás késleltetése"
- Rendszerinformációk --> "rendszer típus" should be "Architektúra"

Some other bugs:

"Text Editor" (gedit) should be "Szövegszerkesztő"
"Deepin Store" should be "Deepin Bolt"
"System Monitor" should be "Rendszerfigyelő" or "Feladatkezelő"
"Calculator" should be "Számológép"

That's it for today, I've noticed some other grammar problems but I don't have more "energy" to find and translate them and anyway, I'm not sure if I'm at the good place for it so if I'm doing it wrong just notice me.

As I wrote, the "Billentyűparancsok" (Quick Access Keys) is a very long and massive piece so I need time to translate them. I can say the same, if I'm at the wrong place notice me about that but if I'm good I'll edit this post and write them down to here.

I hope that I did a good service for you guys and if you need me, just wirte a PM or whatever.
Congrats for Deepin, this system is literally something new and something good
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2014-10-20 11:05
Thanks for your advice, would you like to join our internationalization project to review the Hungarian language? Because they are translated by volunteers and we don't know other languages except Chinese and Eglish.

If you like, please register in transifex and send me your ID. I will add you as the project manager:
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2014-10-20 14:45
Great, just registered and sent an e-mail, I hope that I can help you guys ;)
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2015-02-01 21:25
Hey folks

I recently registered at transifex in order to help reviewing and/or translating Deepin linux in Hungarian. How may I join any active group dealing with that? I am new to transifex.

Keep up the good work!
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