Deepin - and Wine/PlayOnLinux
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2015-01-28 02:36
Can someone help me with this please? I can't find help anywhere. I've asked around, no body will help me...

I am new to Linux, I started with Linux Mint recently and then I stumbled upon a video on YouTube that showed Linux Deepin, and I wanted it. So I got it, and erased Mint and installed Deepin, so far I love the OS, it's amazing - it's just what I wanted.

But when I try to use PlayOnLinux to play Elder Scrolls Online, the game launcher doesn't fully load all it's graphics and freezes the system entirely. It does it so fast, I cannot even take a screenshot of it to show you. So I installed a certificate just like the winehq post said to, and once I did that I tried again but, the problem would occur again except not when the launcher shows up, before it does - during the black screen with the logos.

All I need is this game to work on here, and I'm all set - that's all I need. I do not want to go back to Windows for this, because Windows does nothing but give me problems. This is the only problem I have on Linux Deepin.

Please help me.
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2015-01-28 02:45
Hello Rockitram!

First question: have you installed your appropriate graphics drivers?  If not, the easiest way will be to open the launcher, and use the Driver Manager.
Second question: If you have installed the drivers, can you please share your Xorg.0.log and error.log in /var/log.  Preferably if you upload it to something similar to pastebin and then link it here, to save space.

Thank you for your patience, and I hope I can be of assistance.
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2015-01-28 03:02
Hello, thank you for replying.

Yep, I have. I had to actually, every distro I've tried so far is always green and pink when I first start it up. So I had to open the driver manager and install the Nvidia Driver. I have an Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 graphics card. This computer was originally built for Windows 7, last year. But, I gave up on Windows 7 and I will never try Windows 8.

I can share that yes, but I don't know how to access it to upload it and share it on pastebin. I know what pastebin is, I know how to use it - I just don't know how to access Xorg.0.log. Can I find it by searching in the Application area here? I'm not familiar with the terminal, never have gotten familiar with it yet - I don't like using the terminal. All I do on the computer anyway is play 1 game, and browse the internet.

EDIT: I was able to find it by searching the name in the application area. I uploaded it, here is the link:
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2015-01-28 03:34
Hi rockitram
I see nothing wrong with that log, except that your display doesn't support 3d sound

Next port of call, unfortunately, requires you to run something in the terminal for me.  I'll try to step you through it as best as I can.
When you install something in wine, it SHOULD be placed in a folder somewhere in your home directory.  What I want you to do is navigate to where the Elder Scrolls Online ".exe" file is in the file manager.  I can't tell you exactly whereabouts it will be, as I don't use wine for that.

EDIT: It is probably what Linux calls a "dot folder", meaning it's name starts with a period.  This will mean the folder is hidden, so to see the folder, open the view menu of the file manager and select "show hidden files."

When there, please right click in the file manager and choose "Open in Terminal."

Next, please type the following in:
  1. wine elderscrolls.exe 2>&1 | tee winedebug.log
Copy the Code

Then if you would please put that one pastebin.  What we are telling the terminal to do is run the .exe with wine, and put any output in the terminal into the file winedebug.log.  That way, i can hopefully find what's wrong with wine.

Thank you and let me know if you need a better explanation.
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2015-01-28 03:47
I didn't know it didn't support that, but I don't need it. As long as I can hear clearly whatever I am using that has sound, I don't mind.

The folder exists, but the game isn't in there - because it's not installed yet. I can't get through the installation. So I'm not really sure what to do about that. I did have everything backed up from Linux Mint where I had it working before. I backed it up on my Dropbox account, but for some reason it didn't get put there, like I thought it did, so I have to start over.

There is no EXE file in there because it's not installed. So I'm not sure how to proceed.
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2015-01-28 04:06

I have a really bad feeling it's because of Compiz, the window manager that is used by Deepin.  Linux mint does not use this, which, if my feeling is correct, is why it's not working.  However, there is one more thing we can try:

With deepin, you get a free copy of Crossover Linux, a $60 corporate backed "fork" of wine.  I have read through their page for Elder Scrolls Online, which can be found here: ... p_id=11974

So, the final thing we can try is to try installing it in Crossover.  If you open the app launcher, and search "crossover" you will be able to find it.  It will probably want to update the list, so allow it to do so.  Then, I believe it will be an "unofficially supported" app.  It will be somewhere in that list.  Find it, and follow the instructions using the recommended settings.

I'm hoping this works for you,
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2015-01-28 04:18
Thank you. I have looked at that, but it doesn't include the game at all. I chose to install a program without it being in a list. It had an option for that, but it doesn't automatically download the installer for it like PlayOnLinux does. I guess I would have to login to my account on the games website and download the installer myself, then navigate to it through the crossover gui. I hope it works too. If not then I'll have to wait till the console version comes out to play it on my PS4 I suppose.
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2015-01-28 04:20
I hope it works.  Unfortunately if it doesn't you may have to wait for PS4 version or use Mint.

Good Luck!
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2015-01-28 04:26
I tried to run the installer and once the games launcher showed up, it didn't fully load just like it didn't originally in PlayOnLinux either, and it froze the entire system. I had to press and hold my power button, to get my computer to shut down, then press it again to turn it back on, because I couldn't do anything. For some reason something doesn't like that game on Deepin.

Thanks for trying to help. I guess I have to wait then. I'm afraid to setup another partition for Linux Mint because I tried to do that before and accidentally deleted an important partition. Luckily the Deepin disk I created to install Deepin with was able to re-create the important partition so I can have an OS at all. Despite this hickup, I do not want to switch to anything else. Deepin is the most user friendly version of Linux I've ever seen myself. It's my favorite.
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2015-01-28 04:40

Sorry it didn't work.  There is ONE more thing you can look into.  In linux, the environment you work in is referred to as the Desktop Environment.  Deepin Desktop Environment is the default for deepin, and uses the compiz window manager.  As I believe that compiz is the problem, maybe installing another Desktop Environment to use when you want to try Elder Scrolls online might help.

This link is a little old, and mentions unity (an ubuntu only Desktop).  But it's a good starting point. ... ironments/

Have a read through that, and any other reading you find, and see if there is another environment that takes your fancy.  The beauty of LInux is that you can have more than one DE installed at once.  So, if you find another one you like, search how to install it in Ubuntu 14.04 (which deepin is based on) and then, when you go to login, there should be an icon that when clicked lets you change what environment you log into.  Change that, then try to run the installer.

This is a last resort, but I do hope it works.

My personal recommendation for the least problems and the best performance is the MATE desktop.  But have a read around before you pick one, and maybe install a few.  Remember, you can have as many DE's as you want at once!

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2015-02-10 09:45
I have Elder Scrolls Online playing perfect on a clean install of Deepin 2014.2. What I did  was:
  1. sudo apt-get wine1.7
Copy the Code

winecfg and changed it to Windows 7

I didn't run the installer as I had all the files from Windows.
Copied all the installed files to programs X86 in the .wine folder as I am running 64bit
Copied all the settings that would be in Windows document folder to /home/username/
Changed the user settings to use opengl instead of directx
ran wine control and added in the cert needed.

Then program ran perfectly.

You can get the cert and the details of how to add it here: ... &iId=30126
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