Major video problem
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2015-02-18 09:51
There is a problem where if you install the Nvidia drivers. Then reboot. Then change the Nvidia driver to a different version you can end up with the system failing to load the driver.

When this happens and you boot into low res version of Deepin, the wallpaper is black and you can run apps from the dock but you CAN'T SEE them. The ONLY app you can access is right-clicking on the Deepin Terminal if you have it on your dock and clicking New Quake Window. This will give you a full screen terminal.

I was about to give up on Deepin. Iuckly I had previously added the PPA for the latest Nvidia drivers, which I installed and the system started working again.

You should have a way to boot with default drivers that are used when you do an install. This way at least newbie users could recover. Currently most people would be forced to reinstall.
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2015-03-09 18:48
We will add this feature in the subsequent development.
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