List of needed fixes
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2015-02-18 13:12
Control Panel
Appears to have a memory leak. Was using 1.2gigs of memory.
Keyboard and Lanaguge text doesn't fit in the arrow that points to that control item.
Needs easy way to install themes
Easier way to switch lanaguages
Ability to cycle through desktop wallpaper

Main Theme
Buttons are cut off on the bottom in certain windows.

Deepin Store
Upgrade section - text above the progress bar is cut off

Bug in the USB sound devices. Sound will stop working, switch channels.

2nd desktop is useless for adding icons or having the dock.
Ability to assign seperate wallpaper to each monitor.

Needs a way to refresh so newly installed program icons appear on the menu.
Needs ability to change icons

Needs ability to make short cuts to files. This is especially useful for WINE apps.
Can't group photos or other items that aren't programs

Doesn't save my network connections such as an SSH session for a remote server, so I have to re-enter my passwords.

Font manager
Terminal doesn't have a scrollbar
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2015-03-03 01:01
This is a great list.
Font manager (I use gnome font manager - the control center one is next to useless).

Refreshing installed programs - yes. In fact Deepin Store is beta quality only. It doesn't see all software installed (e,e,g through Synatpic - ah, good old Synaptic...).

Wallpaper changer is desperately needed. For a distro fixated on polish, I am amazed at the absence of one.

The half-finished feel of Deepin has always been a disappointment and concern to me. I'm back using Deepin for a while out of interest, but my go-to distro at the moment is Linux-Lite 2.2. Works really simply and well.

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2015-04-04 16:55
I've found a wallpaper changer that seems to work (mostly) with Deepin. It is Variety. It is highly configurable and so far (1 hour) it seems to be working okay.
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