How do I make my Deepin PC visible to my phone via Bluetooth?
Deepin detects and is "connected" to my phone, but my phone cannot detect Deepin - so I cannot send pics from my phome to the Deepin PC. There is an option on nearly all Bluetooth software to make the PC visible, even if only briefly, to the device it has to 'pair' with - but this seems to be absent in Deepin! Is this correct?
To get around this, I tried installing 'Blueman', but both Deepin-software-center and Synaptic package manager refuse to install it - Synaptic complaining about broken packages (even though there aren't any!) and DSC simply going nothing (no error message) and installing nothing.
Deepin detects and is "connected" to my phone, but my phone cannot detect Deepin - so I cannot send pics from my phome to the Deepin PC. There is an option on nearly all Bluetooth software to make the PC visible, even if only briefly, to the device it has to 'pair' with - but this seems to be absent in Deepin! Is this correct?
To get around this, I tried installing 'Blueman', but both Deepin-software-center and Synaptic package manager refuse to install it - Synaptic complaining about broken packages (even though there aren't any!) and DSC simply going nothing (no error message) and installing nothing.