right click and remove them or left klck hold the key and drop them out of the launchers bar
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2015-07-03 11:58
I said I don't want to delete them I just want to hide then from launcher
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2015-07-03 16:18
sorry but when i say remove i mean remove them from your launcher not remove them from your system just klick an Icon with and hold the key and than drag the mouse above the panel tr it with the sture for instance. It will be still aviable in the app menü and if you like to readd it klick the rocket ocon and than ritklick the store in the context menu click add to docj.
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2015-07-04 03:18
Edited by Bublz_654 at 2017-11-18 18:24
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2015-07-04 12:47
Edited by horvan at 2015-7-3 22:02
Oh I see. Sorry Just go to /usr/share/applications and edit the propper file for the application you liike to hide. You allso could try to install alacarte. and hide them with fnomes menu editor. sudo apt -y install alacarte
If you kike to prefacre to do it manualy you can open a file inside /usr/share/applications
for instance /usr/share/applications/gedit.desktop and add
Remember to open the file with sudo
so in this example sudo nano /usr/share/aplications/gedit.desktop will do the trick.