Deepin black screen after update
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2015-07-02 07:17
Edited by sudo_steve at 2015-7-1 23:19

Today I've installed the latest updates from Deepin software center but after the reboot my machine is stuck on a black screen with no chance to do anything.
I've tried different kernels from the grub menu but it's the same. Everytime I try to boot Deepin I've got black screen where usually I had the login. I can access to the recovery mode which gives me text ui and when I launch startx black screen again.
Can someone give a hint on whats going on?
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2015-07-03 01:37
It seems you need some wiki fu pal!
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2015-07-03 02:54
Thanks horvan for your reply, but I've already tried those. I've also tried to purge and reinstall xorg without effect. The only thing that I can do when the black screen problem appears it's to push the power button and see the Deepin logo that fades out..
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2015-07-03 16:21
Could you tell us something about your system specs. What graphic card do you use how many ram do you have is deepin installed in a vm or on it's own hard drive or partiton. Too much informations will be better then less informations nin that case.
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2015-07-04 00:24
Sure. I have dual boot with Deepin in the primary hd and win7 on the secondary hd. Amd phenom x3 cpu, 4 gb ram, ATI radeon hd 6570. Everything was fine till the last update.
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2015-07-04 12:53
may be you need to upgrade your ati driver because they have changed a bit of the compass underlayer. If you do net need to use deepin at all i recommend to wait untill the next public beta because the will use gala than.

there is a bug related to ati in ubuntus components seehere

a solution for that or at least some thoughts about are noted it's for ubunut 11-10 but  basicly the procedure should be stell teh saem in 14.04 ak deepiin so far.
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2015-07-05 02:27
Thanks! Solved by upgrading amd catalyst driver from amd web site (using this guide:  AMD Catalyst™ Graphics Driver Installer Notes for Linux® Operating System).
It was a little tricky doing everything from command line but now everything works fine.
Thank you for your patience and your advices.
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