clear command on console blocked by serveral other commands
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2015-07-29 00:41
deepins own clean_links command is blocking the clear command form autocompleatioon on console. In my opinion this is a bug. You shouldn't block linux command with things that you have programmd on your own. Is this command still active in the next beta release of deepin. Testers help needed, because I am not a part of the beta testing team
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2015-07-29 16:04
Hi horvan, I am a beta tester can you explain me exactly how check, what to do and what to expect, I has just use clear on terminal and terminal get as just opened, cleaned.
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2015-08-01 23:45
Edited by horvan at 2015-8-1 08:50

Oky here is how to reproduce this!

First I have to say I installed deepin over Ubuntu and so I am using bash as before. I have not tested this on zsh. May be thhis wole post is reddiculess because I switched the standard shell but for now:   

  • Open a deepin terminal
  • type   chsh bash to switch the shell and make shure you get the same result (you can just switch back by typing chsh zsh when you are done)
  • type clea
  • and hit tabulator key twice to get the auto complete suggestion list from the shell interpreter.

You should see a list like:

clean_links clear ...

Many people are happy with typing clea or even cle and than just hit the tab key to use the advantage and freedom  auto compleation gives us on a daily basis.

I do it since years and it is just in my blod to use this key combination. In other wors it may be a bad habbit.  

Assuming I am not  the only one out there using autocompleation to make even typing short commands  a lot faster and do just more at once in a terminal breaking this feature for any inbuilt command ( commands comming with a shell itself) is a bad bad idea.

This commands used aweful lot every day by every one using a shell on a daly bases.

Now the little shiy sexy deepin comes along and has that thing. May be I am realy the only one annoyed by this but there may be also a lot other people workyíng with the shell for scripting things typing things and cooncatinate things jsut to be faster. See my just as a persona representing that kind of people.

Do not just think about clear think about any inbuilt command or commands you realy used very often since you are using an unix/linux system and try not to break them by inventing commands that are before such commands in the alphabet. This may harder be than you think when you first look at it but it will make a lot of people happy again.

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2015-08-02 06:10
Edited by abercoque at 2015-8-1 22:11
Oky here is how to reproduce this!

First I have to say I installed deepin over Ubuntu and so I am u ...

Ok I understand now horvan,
At first i thought it was about the clear command itself.
Unfortunatly I can not reproduce or help, more than in a virtual machine because now I have 3 partitions with O.S. : Deepin alpha, Linux Deepin 2014.3 and a windows 7; And in a asus eeepc901 linux deepin 2014.3 32 bits. So no ubuntu here.

In Deeepin alpha1 and zsh I have just tried auto completation and seem works. with clea plus TAB I got clear and clear_console.

Perhaps someone reading this post, having Ubuntu and installed deepin desktop could check it.{:4_91:}
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2015-08-05 13:46
so clean links is not in the alphabetical list and there is no problem to complete clear. That's fine!
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2015-08-06 02:03
Ok then,
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