What other Linux distros have you tried before and after Deepin?
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2015-08-08 06:10
As of right now, I've played with Mint, Kali, Proteus, Zorin, and Korora.  I recommend Mint for new users.  What about you?

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2016-12-20 04:13
I was using Opensuse Tumbleweed with Gnome, BUT Deepin stole my Heart. Best Linux OS so var
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2016-12-20 06:24
I Used to Installed Ubuntu,Ubuntu kylin,Debian,Fedora,Linux mint,amoust all the linuxes I can see
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2016-12-20 06:46
how to speak in English,挖坟? this compared cost us so many many time. please go to read and code.
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2016-12-20 12:01
Deepin is the best there is. Look wherever you go. Compare with what you compare. It's not quite perfect yet, but that's what we are for. To help make it so.
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2016-12-23 13:09
I've tried Ubuntu and it' variants: Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Ubuntu GNOME and even Ubuntu Kylin (stuck with it for more than a year), Mint (i didn't like it's GUI). After (alongside) Deepin, if VMs count, then Ultimate Edition, Manjaro, openSUSE, Debian, SuliX, UHU-Linux (two Hungarian Linuxes), Arch (found a good tutorial on YouTube) and Android x86 via Genymotion (Android Emulator) and Gentoo Live. Future plans: Chakra, Elementary OS, RemixOS and who knows...
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2016-12-23 15:13
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46******[email protected]
2016-12-26 19:31
ubuntu kylin
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2016-12-26 20:27
ubuntu linuxmint elementary os opensuse redflag startos fedora manjaro trueos
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2016-12-27 09:45
ubuntu from the get go (had some cd's lying around till last year), mandrake (yes... I am old), elementary OS (help on pt_PT translation for the site) and Now deepin. Love the DE, having everything on the same spot, afar from a "list of icons" is really great. Never passed on from virtual machines though. MacOSX and windows still are the best for my use case scenarios. (and nowadays free upgrades make them even better)
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2016-12-27 17:48
Why Kubuntu and Deepin?

So many system erro report... with ubuntu family.
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2017-02-17 04:57
So many system erro report... with ubuntu family.

What type of system errors? Are you speaking solely of Ubuntu-based distros or Ubuntu supported derivatives ?
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2017-02-17 04:58
ubuntu from the get go (had some cd's lying around till last year), mandrake (yes... I am old), elem ...

Have you tried the Budgie DE? It looks a lot like deepin.
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2017-03-28 18:38
I have tried ubuntu, linuxmint, debian, arch, manjaro and now i have deepin on my main desktop and antergos with deepin-de on my other desktop
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2017-04-15 19:32
i tried mint, ubuntu, fedora, and cent, but i never got flash to work on any of them, so i keep coming back to deepin because it's the only updated distro that runs flash. i also tried startos, but thats no longer being maintained
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2017-04-16 00:52
It all startet when I bought an used laptop on Amazon which claimed to have Windows 7.
It had Ubuntu which didn't work for a long time without doing something wrong.
Ubuntu is the only distribution which I never want again.
Then I installed openSuse on this laptop,my first Linux which I installed and configured myself.
It worked for a year,then I had a misconfiguration in the bootloader and that time I didn't know how to fix it.
After that,I bought a chromebook.
It was good at the beginning but got worse with every update - Today it doesn't work at all
My good old laptop now runs Windows XP and I had a desktop pc for a half year which also ran Windows XP.
That was too slow for me,I wanted my Linux back.
I gave Amazon devices a second try and bought a new desktop pc with 3.6Ghz dual core and 8GB RAM.
I installed Arch Linux with the Deepin Desktop Environment and I'm very happy with it.
I'm writing this with my Linux pc and I don't want Windows again.
Conclusion: I had Ubuntu,openSuse and Chrome OS (Is this a real Linux?It has at least it's kernel) in the past and now I have Arch Linux.
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2015-08-09 06:32
You like to post, what is your record of posts per minute?
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2015-08-09 06:44
I just feel like the forums should be a lot more interactive, closed forums when the initial question or problem has been solved, and more reliable resource for information regarding Deepin and its products.  It's a great product.  I want to do what I can to support the community.

There are many ideas that haven't been built upon.  There are many good questions within the forums that were never answered.  

I'm just trying to improve the hub.  

Does that bother you or others within the community?
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2015-08-10 10:53
No no, no bother here man, just called my attention, so many in few time.
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2015-08-10 12:48
I just downloaded Deepin a week ago.  I've been enjoying the ride since day 1.  I'm working on a review for it, not to bash, but more to offset some potential setbacks.  Some of the threads I started are meant to help answer common questions that suprisingly haven't been brought up yet.

By the way, you never answered the question. . . .
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2015-08-11 06:01
I just discovered Deepin yesterday and it did give me some trouble at first but now it works good! Before this I have used Solus (known as Evolve), Elementary (stuck with that one for over a year), Mint and Ubuntu
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