Feature suggestion: power management
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2015-09-12 00:36
Hey guys,

As we all know deepin has power management menu where you can choose one of three modes: High performance, Balanced, Power saving or you can create your custom mode.
However, those modes only change the time of user's inactivity after which screensaver turns on, screen goes black, etc. You can hardly call this power management... Imagine that you're doing some work on your laptop without charger at hand and you're constantly typing something - then all those power management modes are useless, because you're active all the time.

What I'd like to suggest is to add to the already existing power management modes new features like brightness, cpu control, etc. I have no idea how difficult that would be to implelent, just wanted to share a feature idea. From what I see, Deepin Linux is supposed to be revolutionary, introducing things that no other distro has. And no linux has fully working, out of the box power management system

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