sudden crash due to over heating
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2015-10-10 06:40
I have installed deepin Lenovo T410 and have been using the nvidia drivers. what I have noticed it sometimes (specially when I watch video) laptop crashes saying "its shutting down due to over heating".

can anyone please help me resolving this. Thanks in advance.
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2015-10-10 07:40
Have you had this issue with any other distro?  Do you think your swap space could be part of the problem?  Have you considered a cooling pad for the laptop?

Just random ideas
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2015-10-10 07:46
Thanks for the response. I had windows in this laptop earlier and never had any such issues. Haven't tried another distro yet. how do i find out if the swap space is creating the trouble?
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2015-10-10 12:23
I'd have to suggest you talk with much more experienced users than myself for that.  I e-mail questions to DoorToDoorGeek from Podnutz sometimes.  His e-mail is [email protected].  He's a great resource, even if you only listen to his podcast "Linux for the Rest of Us."

I know NVidia and ATI can cause issues with linux distros, though.  It's normal, from what I understand.  Sorry I can't be of more assistance.  If you get the answer, could you share with the community?
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2015-10-10 20:00
Thanks JLey, your efforts to help are really appreciated.
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