(solved) Startup application manager
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2015-10-21 15:12
Edited by military_ru at 2015-10-25 15:21

Hi! I need a good startup application manager. Advise good to work startup application manager. In Linux Deepin 2014.3 I never found it.
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2015-10-22 06:38
Are you looking for something more advanced than the auto-start feature ?
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2015-10-22 06:45
Are you looking for something more advanced than the auto-start feature ?

I need to add programs in startup and nothing else, ie, a simple program. Linux Deepin has this feature (auto-start manager) ?
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2015-10-23 00:17
I need any auto-start manager, any advise which will work on Linux Deepin. If there is a built in, where was he?
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2015-10-25 16:51
If you want to auto-start an app, go to the applications menu, right-click an app, and select "Add to Auto-Start."
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2015-10-26 00:26
There is currently no modern solution except the autostart feature in the context menu of the start menu. But if you know what it does you can customize your autostart applicatios as well. Here are the contents of a normal .desktop file. This file is created by the autostart feature in ~/.config/autostart

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=instant messenging client

so this file would start the application pidgin when you start your system and login to deepin

As you can see this is pretty simple

The Exec line could be either an application wtich is in you bin/path variable you also able to say something like


Hidden means that the application is hidden by default or not wich makes sense  if you like to start a service or in other words something you like to access but dislike to see a command window or an application window.
the next line is the lcommand we need  to decide if the app should be start automateicly or not with is obvious when we create an autostart entry
The Name is shown in the title bar of the terminal window or the application window
And the comment is what will be shown in an app fpöde in your start menu. This is because shortcuts are done the same way in all cathegories of your start menu

you can run apt-get -y install alacarte and try to create some shorrtcutes for your startmenu with it
You'll get an ideea what a .desktop file is with this tool an it'll be easier to customize this kind of files when you have create some. you can find furhter examples in


or just read :

I bet you'll get it very quickly and wount need a tool to do this stuff anymore!
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2015-10-26 03:20
If you want to auto-start an app, go to the applications menu, right-click an app, and select "Add to Auto-Start."

The program was not in the list, I had to add the script to the startup.
horvan , thank you. I forgot to write that I found the solution in this program, alacarte.  
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2016-10-09 19:29
If you want to auto-start an app, go to the applications menu, right-click an app, and select "Add t ...

after reading your comment and saw that was true i was shocked, that is way too easy lol
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