User Feedback - lack of consideration for users
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2015-12-11 14:59
I have an app on my desktop (deepin-feedback) which I have been using to send feedback for some time.That seemed like a very good idea.

Now I find you have been wasting my time and expertise because the feedback page is not functional.

Did it not occur to anyone in the team to update the deepin-feedback applet to actually TELL us that it was not functional?
That would have been a simple measure for someone to take, wouldn't it? Rather than expecting us to read your minds?

I am not pleased.
Please be more thoughtful in future.

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2015-12-11 16:06
Prove that it isn't, I visited it just now, and it seemed to be functioning quite smoothly, except that they are working on a new one, so they told me that it will be currently unavailable. Furthermore, please do not have duplicated posts to show your irritation.
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2015-12-11 17:09
methuzla, it would be a shame if your efforts were wasted, but from what laoguang says, it seems they were not. If that venue is down for a while, or if you no longer trust it, there is an eager audience here. A lot of the users are rather new and could benefit from your experience, if you wish to share it. Hope to hear from you.
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2016-04-20 18:31
Edited by methuzla at 2016-4-20 10:36
"I visited it just now, and it seemed to be functioning quite smoothly"

laoguang, I do not see how you can say that.

I have just visited

Still it says @@ (ah, it seem the forum resets my keyboard from UK to US English, " quote" to @, another timewasting little annoyance. Please fix.)

Still it says "This page is suspended access because the new user feedback page will be launched soon;"

That is, not working.

How could you say it was working?
It was not working then and it is not working now.   It is a long time to be @working soon@.

So, whoever was responsible for decommissioning the feedback page did not think to amend the app to let users know (or to re-target it to the appropriate part of the forum).
This was and is inconsiderate of users' time, effort and expertise.
I wonder how many others are still submitting deepin-feedback into no-where? It can't have been just me, surely.
The feedback app continued to accept  input, but sent it no-where, without letting the user know.
I regard that as shoddy. Poor QA.

In fact, the app is still there in the repo, unamended still as 14.12+git2015715:


Good idea, the feedback app. Sad it doen't work and misleads the user.

I have not altered my view, and I'm unimpressed by your belligerent, uncalled-for "prove it" response, which is completely unhelpful in fact and in attitude.
Maybe you have grown up since. I am prepared to accept an apology, for your unhelpful attitude, and for all the time and effort I wasted using that app.

As for duplicated posts, that was not my intent. When posting a new thread, there is a button that says @save@ (as in save draft 请保存草稿) when I think it
should say @commit@  ( 提交内容 )  .
Then I get absolutely no response to tell me as user whether the post has been accepted or not. I am left to assume (bad idea) or check.
Checking the list of latest submissions at that point, it does not show up; maybe there is a time lag or moderation. I imagine in this case, I felt the
submission had failed in the same way as @feedback@ fails, so I just tried again.

Instead of berating the user, improve your system and practises, please, and work at better understanding of the problems from the users' point of view.
That is what we are all aiming at isn't it?

I like deepin, but there are a lot of minor problems, some of them stemming fron lack of communication. Sometimes the will to fix things - or even to be helpful -
seems entirely lacking.


eric52, thank you for your kind comment. But yes, I had wasted considerable effort.
I find I am disheartened with this forum so I don't visit here much, I just try to sort things out for myself. Pity. I hope it can improve.

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2016-04-25 10:13
I can only share your frustration. The 2014 Ubuntu based release was functional., sharp and pretty. Bordering in fact on being one of the most pleasing and stable distros with a truly unique quality amongst a sea of same, same, same also-rans. Then came the move to Debian justified supposedly by many similar posts to this one in other forums.

"Everyone seems to be forgetting that deepin 2015 is STILL bleeding edge.  If you truly support the distro, give it time to stabilize".  

What they meant to say is it doesn't work, looks awful compared with the last version but luckily the numbers of Chinese users prepared to use it will ensure its continuity.

The reality is it is now bordering on garbage and I for one am not prepared to accept such a loss of quality with this number of bugs and call it an "upgrade".
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