User Feedback
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2016-02-10 10:59
Edited by marcxtefano at 2016-2-10 19:22

Deepin Music - the app shows a lot of signs of bugs! It often Crashes while song's playing and even stops responding (freezes) while playing or even not playing anything. And please put a "Maximize button", it doesn't make sense not being able to maximize the window. The design could improve, it's poor but not bad at this point. //view image "深度音乐.png"

Deepin Movie - honestly this app works just great! Love it;

Deepin Store - The apps needs to have an "Installed Apps" tab/category so that the user can see what apps are installed in his computer. It should have a "Uninstall" button next to the "Open" for the apps that have been installed so that it may be easier for the user to uninstall. And finally, an "Update" button when an update of an installed app is available!

Lockscreen - Should allow to choose a wallpaper or (invisible) be the same wallpaper as desktop; And also please find a way to work your way around that "black screen" when logging in, it throws the design off (find a better way to show the transition oflogging in); // view image "Screenshot2014-12-16212233.png"

Remote assistance - Should have a feature/button for MiraCast/Screen Mirroring;

Bluetooth - it should be able to Send & Recieve files (right now it works like an audio input). Also there seems to be a bug when ever i try to write a "name" when i press "Caps lock", it closes every time a click capslock while writing a name for my bluetooth;

Control Centre - the slide transition needs to be a little more faster (the way the menu slides in feel sluggish and slow);

File Manager - the nautilus seems to have troubles sometimes while transfering files, it often crashes or stops responding during the process (please look into this bug);

OS - needs more work on the startup because after logging in, the system takes a lot of time showing and assembling the apps & elements in the desktop.

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2016-02-10 11:29
The Deepin developers are working on a replacement for nautilus that is the major issue in my opinion. They are aware of issues with there music player
As far as some of your others you can use Deepin User Feedback in your applications to report ideas or problems.
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2016-02-10 19:32
Indeed some good suggestions.
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2016-02-17 23:30
Indeed some good suggestions. @cxbii

I've seen this proposal in Bugzilla.
Thank you for your reminder.
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