I wanna learn Python!
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2016-03-04 05:46
Hello guys!So somewhen i wanted to become a programmer so i started to study C++ after on half of a book my mind has blown up(C++ step by step by Herbert Schildt)
But now i want to start all again and start from the basic and powerfull programming language like python.Yeah could you suggest to me what should i read or visit/watch/download. Thanks y'all! Hope my english is good XD
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2016-03-04 15:13
Gotta ask you something though;
Did you for the most part understood what you learned? I mean there is this saying
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.

Really if you get a hang of C++, I'm sure any other language would be much, much easier to pick up. Usually, you'd probably pick up as you head right to finding that specific solution to your problem. I didn't do any programming for so many years and now I finally start understanding it's concept, can't help but to feel I should've started sooner. Practice really matters, and I think getting to know C/C++ will help you a lot in understanding Python* and generally a whole lot more since most of them are based off C anyway.

But that said, I gotta ask you another question:

What (single or multiple) problems are you trying to solve that makes you feel Python might come in handy?

"owerful" programming language is objective. Define powerful.
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2016-03-05 07:27
Gotta ask you something though;
Did you for the most part understood what you learned? I mean there  ...

So yes trhough the learning i was getting a conception what programming really is.And that went pretty good theory and then practicing step by step as was said on the title of the book.Actually sometimes i go mad if i don't find a solution but as soon as i find it  out or somebody points on my mistakes(it is hard to learn on your own without any tutor.But that's all that matters right) i become happy and joyful.  As i said it was step by step but one next task just blew my mind because of all the constructions(where the hell they came from) I'm pretty bad at math so decided don't take any exams of IT(im russian so our exam on IT is pretty awful and all languages are so old like basic and btw my IT teacher actually wasn't explaining to us how it works all what matters was just typing from her voice dictation.And any initiatives from my side were strickly denied ) So i took biology and English instead were i was pretty good at) But right now i feel like i wanna learn Python because it is a good way to go to start with.But proper literature and system of studying a programming language will help me to understand and get how it works)
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