Time and date for french users
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2016-06-03 10:24
I know this is not already fixed but it's really annoying to see again this error with the new edition of deepin :
- in Date and Time panel, the week start on sunday : for french users, the week begins on monday
- on Lock screen, in the left down corner, we have 2016-06-02 jeudi
the good format is jeudi 02/06/2016
The best writing could be jeudi 02 juin 2016

Please consider this request. It's frightening to use a very innovative distrib and have these basic mistakes.

Thank you for considering my requests.


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2016-06-03 23:30
jinkobi's right. I'm a French user too and feel the same. jeudi 2 juin 2016 or jeudi 02 juin 2016? Maybe the first one? Anyway, both writings would be much better. I don't use the lock screen, but even when you stay on the hour to get the calendar on the down right corner, the problem is the same.

I had trouble with the time zone too. When you choose Paris, you get one hour less than you should. I had to fix this with "sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata" (found on Deepin's Spanish forum...).

Thanks for the amazing job you've done so far! Deepin may be the distro that will eventually convince Windows and Mac users to come to Linux. Keep going!
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