Outdated software in Deepin Store
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2016-06-16 12:24

Am i right to draw the conclusion that there's some outdated packages/software application on the Deepin Store? As example: Web Gmail application. As soon it is installed and opened and after logging in, i get a message saying that the version installed is no longer supported and that i sho uld upgrade to a supported browser (mostlikely latest version of Google Chrome).

Are there more packages/applications in the Deepin store which are outdated/no longer supported? Will those applications be removed to avoid any confusion or the possibility somebody will use outdated software by accident?

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2016-06-16 16:26
I think Chrome said it was longer being Maintained for Linux. I uninstalled it because I've always used Firefox.  I tried the Web Gmail and has the same msg at the top about Chrome being out dated.  I'm not sure but maybe for some reason it thinks Chrome is still Installed, perhaps a Bug.  Deepin OS comes with Chrome as the default and the app maybe seeing a Chrome signature still in the system files.

If Chrome is no longer being supported, they should drop it and go with Firefox before the final release.
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2016-06-16 18:06
vbox is also outdate.
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2016-06-16 22:50
I think Chrome said it was longer being Maintained for Linux. I uninstalled it because I've always u ...

Elizabeth, it has nothing to do with Chrome. It has to do with the application Web Gmail which can be found in the Deepin Store. It's not a bug either and the point here is not that Web Gmail app is no longer supported by Google (not Chrome!) but that there are apparently outdated applications in the Deepin Store. The point here is, will they be removed or not since there is no point keeping  outdated applications in the Deepin Store.
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2016-06-17 07:54
Most distributions are generally a few versions behind.  Usually because sometime the newest release of an app can be unstable or because it takes them time to test and make any tweaks for the app to run better for that specific distributions.

Since this is still an RC stage release and not final, I would say they are still doing the final test and tweaks to the main system.  Then I would think they would remove apps that are no longer maintained and update the main apps before final release, the secondary apps may come with updates after.

Like a better file manger, Libre would be better and of course Firefox before a final release.

I personally removed some of the default apps and replaced them with what  I normally use.
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2016-06-17 12:17
Again, Elizabeth, it has nothing to do with your explanation that some distro's are running behind 1 or 2 versions. It has to do that the Deepin Store offers applications which aren't supported any longer. Meaning you can install applications that are outdated, no longer maintained and maybe even abandoned. This means people can install applications which don't receive bigfixes/patches/updates and therefore potential harmful. And i'm not talking about a RC version, i'm talking about Deepin 15.2 which is not a RC version but a regular downloadable version.
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2016-06-19 01:08
Again, Elizabeth, it has nothing to do with your explanation that some distro's are running behind 1 ...

A good strategy would be using the deepin feedback to report it. It is common that the applications in Deepin store lag behind 1 or 2 versions. For some special applications whose low versions are not supported anymore, you may try to create to bug report  in the git repository as well.
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2016-06-22 02:14
A good strategy would be using the deepin feedback to report it. It is common that the application ...

Ok, i create a feedback report about this issue then.
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2016-09-19 16:45
Edited by rick_razor at 2016-9-19 08:47

I just downloaded Vivaldi browser and Nylas N1 from the Deepin store and both were outdated (4 versions behind in Vivaldi's case). I had to go to Vivaldi's and Nylas's website to download the latest versions.
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2016-09-20 03:14
Everything is outdated in deepin store.
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2016-09-20 03:57
if you think about it, deepin is based on debian 8, and most softwares on debian 8 are outdated too.
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2016-09-25 11:35
if you think about it, deepin is based on debian 8, and most softwares on debian 8 are outdated too.

No, again, Deepin is based of frozen Debian Sid (Unstable) packages. Not Testing, much less 8 (Jessie). Deepin Store apps are generally outdated because Deepin team doesn't update them as often as desirable. There's some work involved in it and they probably aren't focused on it.
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2016-09-28 05:45
Thunderbird is outdated too. The newest version that could be installed from Deepin's repository is version 38 while the newest is version 45 (really needs to be updated). The newest version of Thunderbird and Firefox can be installed by doing this:
  1. echo -e "\ndeb http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/ubuntuzilla/mozilla/apt all main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
  2. sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com C1289A29
  3. sudo apt-get update
  4. sudo apt-get install thunderbird-mozilla-build # For Firefox and Seamonkey, replace thunderbird with firefox or seamonky
Copy the Code
(thanks infuscomus)
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2016-09-28 22:35
May be they are to bussy to complete their software cataloughe until 15.04 and hav not had time to reference new versions in Deepin store. Theyr is no official statement but it's a good Idea to create bug reports for each peace of abandoned software and have a look from time to time at the blog here on deepin.org Thjey will drop a note if there are any changes
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