What I've done with my System
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2016-06-17 12:04
First I discovered Deepin about a week ago maybe two.  While looking for a OS for some Netbooks.  I have been using Debian since around 2008.  So I haven't used anything else much since than.  Normally I use KDE no matter which distro I will generally alwasy add that.

First I got Manjaro, I liked the deepen DE but much familair with Arch Linux even though it some sililairities.   So now I found Deepin OS based on Debian, so this is great for an experience Debian user.   At least this current release in progress.  I've always dislike K/unbutu, I the configuration is awful or it was.

I saw there was no Live version, so Installed it to a seperate partion an Asus Netbook I have, an older model but ran pretty well.  Next step I started adding repositories and downding apps that I normally use to see how they would run.

Everything great so far. So I installed as the main OS.  I formated the root, reused the swap and home partions and re expanded home which I had shrunk to make a test partition.  I did not format my home but I was having a little troube so I renamed the directory so to reuse my user name/directory.  After the install I copied my personal files back to the new home folder.  Deleted the system config stuff.

I added

Firefox, Amarok, Digikam, Gimp, k3b, Trillian, VLC, Libre, Synaptic, DoomSeeker, Chocolate Doom, Zandronum, Handbrake, MakeMKV, PlexTV Server and Various Games.


Deepin Music, Deepin movie, Chrome, Probably some others I can't recall the names of that I wouldn't use or replaced with programs I've used for years that I liked better though I did look at the default apps.

I have noticed a few apps just don't seem to work but hasn't been a problem for me, I just install the ones I'm familiar with and they so far have all worked fine.

I wouldn't mind more personization and customization options for the desktop looks.  But I think this system is aimed more at general users with little to no understanding of Linux/Debian.  But I like the system so far and for those of use who know are way anound the Terminal and package manager we can fix what we don't like.

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2016-06-18 17:57
Kudos for removing Chrome, I've never understood its popularity.  Deepin did a survery here a while back in order to see which browser Deepin 15 would use by default, and Firefox didn't even come close to being considered!  I'm surprised how well Deepin Movie runs though, so it still has a spot on my setup.  Deepin Movie in Deepin 2012 on the other hand, was a real dog - at least on my uber-slow HTPC (7 year old Atom 330).  The improvement seen in the current version was the difference between night & day, so the Deepin developers should be applauded for that.  Synaptic I've always felt should be installed by default, as it's still the best!  I can't stand Software Store (or its Ubuntu variations) and think I tried to remove it recently but found that the Developers have now made it an OS dependency.

Of course, if you have a decent pc, you probably wouldn't notice any problems with the likes of Deepin Movie.  Just today, I finally bit the bullet and ordered some HTPC 'upgrade-bits' from Amazon - AMD 5350/ASrock MB/8gb ram/120gb ssd-setup.   Hardly new tech, but for a tiny HTPC, more than adequate.  I'd probably have stuck with my old setup another while but for the fact that it just cannot manage to playback H265 movies.  That was the deciding-factor.
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