Deepin Terminal resize-bug...
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2016-06-28 03:12
Edited by omelette at 2016-6-27 20:06

Another Deepin bug, this time, terminal-related.  The Terminal was working normally, when in the middle of trying to get bluetooth working, I maximized it - now, it refuses to minimize.

On 'working' windows, when you left-click the maximize button, the window will maximize and its 'Help' text will then change from 'Maximize Window' to 'Restore Window'.  Clicking it again will 'restore' the window to about half of its size.  This does not happen with Deepin Terminal windows - left-clicking 'Maximize Window' works, but its help-text remain 'Maximize Window', and clicking it again has no effect on the window-size.  Also, dragging the terminal window downwards to auto-resize it, or double-clicking on the title bar of a window will not resize the Deepin terminal window - like it does with every other window.  Needless to say, this makes working with it very annoying!

To hazard a guess, this is a Gnome3 bug, which Deepin heavily relies on.  There are several instances of it to be found - example: - but I haven't been able to find a remedy.  Reinstalling Deepin terminal has no effect.

Edit:  Found an easy fix for it - go into .config (hidden) and delete the 'deepin-terminal' folder.  A new one will be recreated when terminal is started.  Problem solved.
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