<Alt> or <Super> + mouse button window resize
Community Discussion 749 views · 3 replies ·
2016-08-02 01:18
First of all sorry if this is a duplicate question, I searched the forum, but couldn't find anyting related.
I was wondering whether there is a way to enable resizing and moving of windows like in Ubuntu for example. By pressing Alt and clicking the left button it's possible to move a window and by middle or right button to resize.
Is something like this possible in Deepin 15.2? I don't mind editing some settings in dconf manually if required.
Thank you for your replies!
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2016-08-02 02:12
Edited by com_bvv at 2016-8-1 18:45
it works not with all applications, strange...
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2016-08-02 03:13
It was working on deepin 15
But since 15.1 it's no use...
I made a "Deepin User Feedback" but nothing come out.
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2016-08-02 03:22
After a bit more digging I found this in dconf-editor:
com --> deepin ---> wrap --> gnome --> desktop --> wm --> preferences
Here are 2 settings which are interesting, the main one is "mouse-button-modifier". The default in Deepin in ". If we change it to we get something similar to Ubuntu's behaviour. Make sure that when entering there are no quotes around it, just .
Another interesting setting is "resize-with-right-mouse". This allows resizing of a window with the right mouse button instead of the middle one, convenient when using Deepin on a laptop with touchpad. I set this to True.
After setting these setting I logged out and back in again. Now it seems to work like I wanted to with every application.
First of all sorry if this is a duplicate question, I searched the forum, but couldn't find anyting related.
I was wondering whether there is a way to enable resizing and moving of windows like in Ubuntu for example. By pressing Alt and clicking the left button it's possible to move a window and by middle or right button to resize.
Is something like this possible in Deepin 15.2? I don't mind editing some settings in dconf manually if required.
Thank you for your replies!