Touchpad settings not working in Arch/DDE
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2016-09-28 10:58

I'm having problems configuring my touchpad in the Deepin Desktop Environment running on Arch Linux. The "Mouse and Touchpad" section of the Control Center is completely empty. I noticed that some Control Center sections depend on external services. For example, the "Bluetooth" section doesn't appear unless the Bluetooth service is running and the "Network" section is empty without NetworkManager. Is there some service I need to install to get mouse and touchpad settings to appear?

I can't work out how to set touchpad options manually either. I can enable tap to click using the xinput command but it doesn't persist after rebooting. The usual way to make such settings permanent is to create a conf file in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d so I tried it and now tapping works in lightdm but stops working after I log in to DDE. It seems that DDE is resetting the touchpad options. I tried putting the xinput command in a .desktop file and placing it in ~/.config/autostart and /usr/share/xsessions. Neither worked. Finally, I tried running "gsettings set com.deepin.dde.touchpad tap-to-click true" but that didn't work either.
Any ideas on how to get Control Center working or at least how to configure the touchpad manually in DDE?


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2016-09-30 14:03
This seems to be an input driver issue. Deepin only supports the Synaptics driver for touchpads and I was using libinput. I've switched to Synaptics for now but it would be great if Deepin could support libinput too. See this issue on Github:
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