Applications can't be started by app launcher
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2017-01-14 10:50

I have a couple of applictions which annot be launched by the desktop launcher, but they are fine when run in terminal.

At least the following 2 desktop file can't be launched.

1) imagemagick-6.q16.desktop

2) backintime-qt4-root.desktop, but backintime-qt4.desktop is fine. The difference between 2 files are "Exec=pkexec backintime-qt4" and "Exec=backintime-qt4" respectively.

Can anyone explain? Or anyone tell me how to log the error when they failed to be launched. Thanks

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2017-01-15 03:41
sorry,i don’t know what you say
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2017-01-15 07:45
I mean when I clicked on the icon of these 2 applications ( imagemagick and backintime )on desktop launcher, there was nothing happened. Other applications were fine.
Take backintime application for example, there are icons, one is to run for root, and the one is for normal user. When I clicked on the one for normal user, it started normally, but when I clicked on the one for root, it did start.

The difference s on their deskop files are:
Run for root - Exec=/usr/bin/pkexec backintime-qt4
Run for normal user - Exec=backintime-qt4

I can run "pkexec backintime-qt4" on a terminal. I think the environments are different  when you launch the application from the desktop by clicking and from terminal.
Please advise how to track down the errors, thanks

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