Installation woe
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2017-03-21 04:43
Edited by bestill at 2017-3-21 06:51


    I am trying to install Deepin 15.3 on a new disk today. I have to state first off the animated "Deepin" logo is very nice!
However I was confronted with an installation issue right away. The CLI was giving me messages about not being able to enumerate the USB. So I am stuck at the language selection screen, with the keyboard and mouse being unresponsive.

Does anyone have a suggestion?

EDIT UPDATE: So I was playing around with the USB plugs and it seems that the problem lies with enumerating the USB 1.1/2.0 compatable ports. As soon as I plugged the mouse/keyboard into the USB 3.0 ports they both lit up and started working. USB 3.0 is a bit overkill for these HID's.

On to what seems to be install issue No.2.
I got partially through the setup, the account/pass portion when fine. Allthouht personally I would like the option to have a seperate administrator password option in the setup options similar to what Manjaro Linux uses. This makes it nice as every account added post install will not have sudo privileges when created. On to the partitioning, which went fairly well.

Clicking "Advanced" I set up the partitions on the disk. The installer shows me a message that it is going to install Deepin on the root partition and gives me the option to "Install". After I click "Install" it falls apart. A nice slishow starts informing me more about Deepin, however the ODD has no movment, and after about 30 seconds the installer presents me with a "Install Failed" window. After several times of whats typed above I tried the failsafe install option to no avail. The installer shows a message about checking EDD, which states as "ok", and freezes there. I let the computer sit for about 5 minutes and it never moved from that EDD line, twice.

Any suggestions on how to proceed?

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2017-03-22 13:52
Well I was hoping for more than crickets...

        I went ahead and downloaded a Deepin 15.4 Beta iso image, and attempted to install Deepin hoping the issue were fixed. However I ran into the same stonewall.

1.) USB keyboard and mouse both need to be plugged into USB 3.0 ports in order to function. Not a big deal as long as after the install the USB 1.1/2.0 port function normally.

2.) Insall fails after the "Expert" partitioning of the disk. This is huge!

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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2017-03-22 18:25
Can you see that QR code on installation failure interface? If yes you could take a photo and paste it here to track the problem
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2017-03-23 10:48
Edited by bestill at 2017-3-23 02:52

Ok, I tried another install and on your suggestion I looked for a QR code somewhere and seen nothing qualifying as any code. CTRL+F1 - F6 just went through the consoles waiting for a login, and as expected CTRL+F7 took me back to the GUI. I tapped a few other keys that might reveal a log of the install and did not see anything. The GUI only gives one option "Exit Installer", which reboots the machine. Above the "Exit" option is a message stating "Installation Failed" and a Red X with a circle around it.

Is there something specific I can do to reveal a QR code?

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2017-03-23 17:56
Edited by bestill at 2017-3-23 02:52

Ok, I tried another install and on your suggestion I looked ...

you can try login as `deepin` in tty and type command `sudo deepin-feedback-cli` to collect the log
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2017-03-27 13:47
Hello michaeljayt ,
        I tried the commands you posted and it worked, creating a gz file of information. I ran into a problem getting that file out of the memory and onto a removable device as the ODD disk is not writable. When I connected a flash drive and mounted it, the cp went ok, but when I put the flash drive into another computer to look at it, the file system on the flash drive seemed to be corrupted and read as "Raw", instead of the original FAT32 is started as.

At any rate I've been doing some digging and experimenting and currently I have 15.4 Rc installed and working. The last problem is that Deepin does not have a modified alx driver for the Atheros E2400 Ethernet devices opposed to the E2200. Deepin is not alone on this. I've tried several otehr Linux distributions and it's my understanding that currently only Ubuntu has this driver available.

A recap on the issues I was having turns out the causes' were the mainboard/hard disk/gfx/NIC and not Deepin itself.

The USB 1.1/2.0 not working were a result of the AMD chipset settings. If anyone is experiencing issues like I stated you need to go into the BIOS and set "iommu" to enabled. I read on a few forums that it helps to pass the command "amd_iommu=on" to the kernel helps to keep the USB working. Some postes stated that the NIC wouldn't wake up until they had passed that command to the kernel.

The Deepin install failure was due to the msdos partition table which can't use partitions larger than 2TB. Since mine exceeded the msdos partition tables limitation I loaded up Gparted, changed the partition table to from "msdos" to "gpt", created my partitions and reran the Deepin installer.

However because I use a recent nvidia GTX video card I have to pass the "nomodeset" to the kernel to see what I'm doing, otherwise it just goes blank because nouveau is still sub-par.

On a side note concerning graphics, Manjaro 17 has the option to install proprietary graphics driver on install which is nice.

With those other issues out of the way I'm at a stand still without the modified alx driver for network access.

But WOW!, I'm lovin' the layout/looks of Deepin. Great Job people!
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