Some of my txt files are in traditional Chinese and are encoded with Big5 charset. When I try to open them with the default Text Eitor of deepin, it doesn't work.
This is what it looks like on default Text Editor:
This is the correct content of the same text
By the way, this problem does not occur with Simplified Chinese and GB18030 charset.
1. you can see the current candidate encoding setting option by the following command:
gsettings get org.gnome.gedit.preferences.encodings candidate-encodings
and mine's ['UTF-8', 'GB18030', 'GB2312', 'GBK', 'BIG5', 'CURRENT', 'UTF-16']
2. adjust the settings by the folowing command like:
gsettings set org.gnome.gedit.preferences.encodings candidate-encodings ['BIG5', 'UTF-8', 'GB18030', 'GB2312', 'GBK', 'CURRENT', 'UTF-16']
PS: If you know that you're opening a BIG5 document, it is recommended to open it with encoding option in gedit
This is what it looks like on default Text Editor:
This is the correct content of the same text
By the way, this problem does not occur with Simplified Chinese and GB18030 charset.