How to change taskbar multiple windows click behaviour?
Community Discussion 916 views · 7 replies ·
2017-04-20 01:06
Hello friends,
I love Deepin but I have one problem that I can not find solution to.
Let's say I have firefox opened with 5 windows. When I click on the task bar I don't want the switch behavior from one window to another. Rather, I would like to be given list of windows that I can choose from. Is there any such option?
Thank you.
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2017-04-20 09:23
Hold on Alt and press Tab?
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2017-04-21 00:09
Thanks for the reply. I knew already the command, but I find it very annoying. Is it possible that I replace the deepin dock with different kind of dock?
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2017-10-13 07:32
Likewise, this would be great. I miss it for sure.
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2018-02-08 12:03
I would like that, and also for the taskbar to show how many instances of a program are open, with dots or multiple windows like Windows 10 does.
So if you have for example have multiple Firefox Windows then the icon of Firefox would like something like this:
I love Deepin but I have one problem that I can not find solution to.
Let's say I have firefox opened with 5 windows. When I click on the task bar I don't want the switch behavior from one window to another. Rather, I would like to be given list of windows that I can choose from. Is there any such option?
Thank you.