System wide proxy?
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2017-05-13 06:20
I started using Deepin yesterday, but I can't get a system wide proxy working. I used the system settings from the Desktop Environment to set my proxy, and okay, Chrome and some other things were good to go.
But then I went to install new things using apt-get and no proxy working there. No problem, gonna set the aptitude proxy putting the information in the file, got it.
But then I installed PIP to install some python packages I need, and if I don't specify the proxy when typing the pip command, like

  1. sudo pip install --proxy "proxyip" packagename
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the pip can't connect to the repo. I tried creating a "" file in the /etc/profile.d, and rebooted the system, still doesn't work. I need to do something else to try and make this to work?
I then got someone saying to try the command

  1. export https_proxy="http://ip"
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Tried that using my proxy settings, got to pip, can't connect still without specifying the proxy again in line. Then tried inserting the http_proxy, https_proxy, ftp_proxy etc variables with my proxy settings on my ~/.bashrc as I saw some people recommending that. Still nothing. I have no idea what else am I supposed to try.
My main issue is with pip now, but as it can't get the proxy settings to work at a system wide level I expect to have a lot more problem about this in the future. I'm almost going back to my old distro as I just needed to add the proxy in a single file and everything worked perfectly.

Appreciate any inputs.

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2017-05-14 10:58
Hey there. I was using deepin some days ago. It seems that  I faced totally opposite situation with u. I can set up wild proxy and it works well on both DE and terminal, I can use proxy in cmd directly. But when I cancelled proxy from DE, it didn't make effects immediately, I still used proxy to connect. /br I'm using Ubuntu these days, and the same problem occurs here. So I guess, it won't be solved these days, maybe we should be more patient to wait the engineers to fix it ha? Finally, wish u can find ways to solve it, good luck!
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2017-05-15 17:52
We are investigating a pretty new way of  "system wide proxy".
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