Optimization needed
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2017-05-18 14:21
First I have to say that deepin is a very good GNU/Linux distro but there are some things that need to be optimized.

1- The mirror poblem it's a really big problem. To much people have problems with the mirrors.
2- Wifi driver optimization is another thing that need to be adjusted. I have installed deepin on over 25 pc and the wifi on some if not all the wifi card aren't working very good. The wifi signal is fluctuating. The same wifi cards with other GNU/Linux Distro, fedora, ubuntu, OpenSUSE working perfectly.
3- Software update. The software update of the apps need to be more fast for security. The browser can be a very big security problem if they aren't update faster.
The security problems  often taken little into account from chinese firms, I had a similar discussion while working with the Meizu community. Security need to be one of the first thing that developers need to give to the user.

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