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2017-06-25 22:04
Edited by dfergfla at 2017-6-25 22:30

I am sorry to rant but my frustration with actually trying to use linux is reaching a boiling point.  I have two computers, one desktop and one laptop.  I have shared three folders on the desktop.  Now I go to the laptop and click on "Computers in LAN" and 3 hours later I still can't see the shares from my desktop.  About 10min after clicking on "Computers on Lan" a folder that says "Windows Network" will appear.  Then about 5 min after that a folder with "Workgourp" will appear.  Thats it... 3 hours later I still can't see the shares created by a desktop running Deepin 15.4 on a laptop running Deepin 15.4.  I know it isn't the network because 1 week ago I had two windows computers, this very same hardware, and I had no problems seeing shares.   Whoever said Linux was ready for the desktop was insane.  This experience is quickly turning into nightmare.   I don't want to go back to windows.  But why is getting simple, simple things to work in Linux so damn hard??  

One more note.  I booted my laptop from a Ubuntu 17.04 USB.  No problems seeing, accessing and using the shares.  So, it isn't a Linux problem.  It's a Deepin problem.  Does anyone QA this Distro?  It's a nice looking distro but it's like dying from 1000 paper cuts when actually using it.  Why, can't this OS see shares that were created by this OS but Ubunto has no problems?  Do I just need to give up on Deepin and just use Ubuntu??  I will see if this can be resolved quickly.  I will give Deepin 1 more day.  If I am still having so many damn problems just using it.  I will rip it off my hardware and just use Ubuntu.
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2017-06-25 22:36
Edited by nipos at 2017-6-25 22:37

It's not a problem of the distribution but of the file manager.
The default file manager of most distributions is Nautilus and I think it should have that funktion.
You can get it with "sudo apt-get install nautilus"
That's it,now everything should work fine.
Hint: In the launcher Nautilus may be called files or something similar.Edit: Command fixed.I'm Arch user and need apt-get only for helping in the forum :/
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2017-06-26 00:26
Nope, that doesn't work either.  This distro is one hot mess.
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2017-06-26 01:06
Why not try Manjaro Deepin?
The OS is made by Manjaro what is based on Arch Linux (I can confirm that everything works as it should) and you get the beautiful desktop of Deepin.
Download: https://sourceforge.net/projects/manjarolinux-community/files/deepin/17.0.1/
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2017-06-26 01:45
本帖最后由 duanyao 于 2017-6-26 01:55 编辑

SMB sharing seems broken a lot in deepin. Did you set password for SMB sharing in dde-file-manager (in the menu on top right corner)? If you didn't you might not be able to access shared folders.

If your computers are all installed with linux, ssh(sftp) is a much better choice for sharing files. SMB is a pain even on Windows in my experience.
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2017-06-26 02:03
I just gave up and went to Ubuntu.   Too many problems with deepin.  
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2017-06-26 03:54
Agree. Some things are quite messed up.

smb connection worked best by writing
  1. smb://
Copy the Code
(for instance) into to the bar. But only if there is only one tab opened. When I use a second tab to do that it doesn't work, or just sometimes. Not sure right now.
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2017-06-26 04:18
I work as a Software QA Analyst and I can't see how this distro went through any kind of QA process and was released.  There are just way, way too many bugs in it.  It looks pretty but it's like death from a 1000 paper cuts trying to actually use it.
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