System Tray
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2017-07-04 18:05
Edited by dfergfla at 2017-7-4 10:06

When I have the dock in "Fashion Mode"  I am finding it hard to do the right-click on a running program in the "System Tray" applet.  I am using an HP Envy 13 and I have the dock size set to large.  But in order to get the pop-up menu on a program running in the system try I have to hit what is a veryi, very small target on my monitor.  This is making it hard to use.  I can't find any way to make it better.  I have tried setting the dock to larage.  I have tried different resolutions, nothing helps.  I have to have the arrow directly, dead center on the tiny icon to get it to work.  Most of the time just removing my finger from the track pad is enough to move the arrow a tiny bit and make it not work.  Is it possible to make this work by clicking anywhere on the running apps icon?  

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