I need help I can not install the NVIDIA driver on my machine
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2017-07-07 04:50
Edited by luisferreira at 2017-7-6 20:51

Hello, I have installed the NVIDIA driver that has no drivers and I did not want to install the drivers, but I did not want to install the package drivers and the package is very slow. I do not know because if you have download drivers in Europe, please tell me.
PS: I speak Portuguese I just used google translator to help you I hope they help me I like the system a lot and did not want to leave because of that
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2017-07-07 05:52
1. if your download is slow, change the mirror
open terminal and do:
sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

replace the line that is not commented (without '#' before it) with
deb [by-hash=force] http://linuxdeepin.c3sl.ufpr.br/deepin/ unstable main contrib non-free

after that, do
sudo apt update

now the downloads will come from brazil
(there are another mirrors here : https://www.deepin.org/en/mirrors/packages/)

2. to download nvidia driver, open launcher and click on 'Driver Manager' (is the icon that is like a computer chip)
it will be check if your system have a option to download GPU and/or CPU microcode drivers
then select the nvidia driver and click apply (it will install automatically)


Olá, colega brasileiro

1. pra resolver o problema do download lento, mude a fonte do download
abra o terminal e execute:
sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

substitua a linha não-comentada (a que não começa com '#') por
deb [by-hash=force] http://linuxdeepin.c3sl.ufpr.br/deepin/ unstable main contrib non-free

depois faça
sudo apt update

agora os downloads virão de um servidor brasileiro
(outras mirrors : https://www.deepin.org/en/mirrors/packages/ )

2. pra baixar o driver da nvidia, tem um aplicativo que já vem no deepin chamado 'Gerenciador  de Drivers' (é o que tem o ícone parecido com um chip de computador)
quando ele abrir, ele vai verificar se seu PC precisa de algum drive de GPU ou CPU. Vai aparecer o driver da nvidia
clique nele e depois clique em 'Aplicar Mudanças', depois reinicie o PC

foi assim que fiz, tenho um PC com uma GTX 1050ti e funcionou
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2017-07-07 05:54
instala o driver e depois nao roda o app diz que eu tenho de ir ao terminal e faz sudo xnvidia-config
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2017-07-07 05:56
nao da diz que eu tenho de ir ao terminal fazer o cmd sudo nvidai-xconfig
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