Flash is forced to always on in Google Chrome after 15.4.1 update
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2017-07-17 07:55
Edited by switcy at 2017-7-16 23:56

After the 15.4.1 update, Google-Chrome-Stable (Default browser) is forced to ''allow sites to run flash'' under settings --> Privacy --> Content Settings... --> flash (chrome://settings/content/) all the flash settings are greyed out and if I try to change the setting is says ''This setting is enforced by your administrator''.
I tried reinstalling 15.4 and then Google Chrome worked fine but after applying the 15.4.1 update the issue reappeared I did NOT sign-in with my Google account nor did I install any other app or packages, so anyone on 15.4.1 should have this issue.

In my opinion, this is a security problem and I would only allow sites I trust to run flash so I'll keep using Firefox until there is a fix.

Before Installing 15.4.1

After installing 15.4.1
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2017-07-17 08:42
Deepin 15.4.1 contains a newer version of Chrome.
Starting with Chrome 57 , that option is no longer available.
Here is a article that gives more information.

https://www.ghacks.net/2017/01/2 ... ntrols-from-chrome/

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2017-07-17 10:03
But 15.4 already has Google Chrome 57 installed and there I can change the flash setting, also on both Ubuntu 16.04 and Manjaro Deepin with the latest version of Google-Chrome-Stable (Version 59.0.3071.115) I can change the flash setting, I've also tried removing Google-Chrome-Stable from Deepin 15.4.1 and installing the latest .deb package of Google-Chrome-Stable from Google's website but the flash setting is still greyed out even though Ubuntu and Deepin are running the same version of Google-Chrome-Stable.
Also, the link you gave me states ''Only Flash and the PDF Viewer can be controlled via the Chrome Settings.'' So that does not make sense to me.

Ubuntu 16.04 with the latest version of Google-Chrome-Stable from Google's website

Deepin 15.4.1 with the latest version of Google-Chrome-Stable from Google's website

The default version of Google Chrome with Deepin 15.4 from a fresh install.

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2017-07-17 10:39
I see your issue now, and even with chrome 59 , still says setting is enforced by your administrator.
What the article refers to is the chrome://plugins page no longer works in chrome 57 and higher, and that is correct.
And your correct that something in policy settings causing the setting to be greyed out.
I see windows solutions in google forum's but nothing for Linux yet.
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2017-07-17 11:53
I have found some solutions for windows too, but none of have been about flash and this problem is only affecting Deepin 15.4.1.

Please correct me if I'm wrong but it seems dangerous to just let any web page you visit or pop-up load any flash program automatically
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2017-07-17 12:14
I have found some solutions for windows too, but none of have been about flash and this problem is o ...

I tend to avoid sites that still use flash. I normally use Chromium if using a blink based browser and noticed its flash settings are work okay.  Google chrome is the default browser so there is a issue here.
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2017-07-17 23:04
The best solution would be changing the browser.
I have flash disabled for all sites and i'm not missing anything.
Flash is an old software which was important 20 years before but it's not needed anymore.
Install Opera,go to content settings and tick the field for "disable flash on all pages".
Your problem is now gone and you use an better browser too ;)
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2017-07-18 05:00
本帖最后由 w_w 于 2017-7-17 21:48 编辑

I had the same problem, but i managed to find the solution:
you can get explanation from:
and https://www.chromium.org/administrators/linux-quick-start

for those who don't want read:
edit file: /etc/opt/chrome/policies/recommended/defalut-plugins-settings.json
change value from 1 to 3
  • 1 = Allow all sites to automatically run plugins
  • 2 = Block all plugins
  • 3 = Click to play

Or just delete it
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2017-07-31 22:22
手动更新火狐Firefox、谷歌Chrome 的 Flash Player 插件


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