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2017-07-20 00:39

From: http://codealong.io/2-weeks-with-deepin-os/

After year and a half of coding while using Windows as my operating system, I decided trying Linux.

I started looking for a good Linux distribution online and the options were overwhelming.

So i tried narrowing down the options based on: Performance on old hardware (lightweight), flexibility and experience (basically design).

The 2 distributions that kept coming up on blogs, forums and reviews were Deepin and Elementary.

Both of them are lightweight, fast, reliable but the design of Deepin seemed to be more clean and unique (HTML based desktop environment).

Deepin desktop environment


Installing Deepin was easy exactly as installing any other Linux distro.

I’ve downloaded the latest version, and created a bootable USB, changed the boot order in the BIOS and i was ready to go.


Right after I’ve installed Deepin i was really surprised that my old Lenovo T420 can run so smooth.

Before Deepin i used Windows 10, and the difference was really amazing.

No lags, no more waiting more then 10 seconds to open a software or a file, and no more frustration.


Deepin comes with several beautiful wallpapers, icon sets, cursor styles and dark / light styled explorer.

The Dock can be placed on the bottom / top / right / left side of the screen, hidden or shown, stretched (“Efficient mode”) or  fitted to the amount of icons (“Fashion mode”).

Unlike a traditional settings window, Deepin settings menu is a right-attached sidebar, which i found very elegant, fast to use and comfortable.

The Launcher (application browser) is very basic, clean and can be set as one list of application or separated into categories.

And most important: The design is very consistent!

User Experience

Deepin UX in one word: Clean.

The interfaces are very clear and minimal without unnecessary content.

Compared to other Linux distros, it would take you a little bit more time to get used to Deepin, but it’s worth it.


Deepin out of the box is really beautiful and fast, but when it comes to customizing appearance or general preferences the control you get is limited.

Tweaking the environment is possible if you are familiar with Linux, but i don’t find it necessary.

Deepin store

Deepin comes with absolutely amazing built-in graphical package manager.

The variety is overwhelming, you can check out the online version of the store and see for yourself: http://appstore.deepin.org/

Deepin store

In summary

Deepin is a great choice if you..

  • Care about design, user-experience and consistency.
  • Working on old / slow hardware.
  • Don’t care about customizing more then it comes with.

TAGS: deepin, linux, open, os, source

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2017-07-20 00:58
Well, but now dde isn't based on html5, Qt C instead.
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