Just after installing Deepin 15.4.1, I restarted my computer and it said ''No operating system found''. Which totally means something is wrong with GRUB.
Thanks to the help of the Telegram group of spanish users of linux ( https://t.me/deepinenespanol ) I could manage to try different scenarios, including: booting in the safemode, mounting the system and reinstalling grub, .... After all that, nothing worked.
And when I was about to give up hope, I tried installing Ubuntu, which led to a totally usable PC (I had win7 and it saw it without a problem). I could boot into Ubuntu or Win7, no problems at all.
I would like to ask to the Deepin team / developers, why is this and how could we help to fix it?
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2017-07-25 05:55
First, did you verify the ISO check sum?
2- did you try to install in uefi or bios Mode?
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2017-07-25 06:38
Please try to install in easy mode .if you want to install in professional mode ,please install gurb in /dev/sda , not /dev/sda1. Hope to help you!
Thanks to the help of the Telegram group of spanish users of linux ( https://t.me/deepinenespanol ) I could manage to try different scenarios, including: booting in the safemode, mounting the system and reinstalling grub, .... After all that, nothing worked.
And when I was about to give up hope, I tried installing Ubuntu, which led to a totally usable PC (I had win7 and it saw it without a problem). I could boot into Ubuntu or Win7, no problems at all.
I would like to ask to the Deepin team / developers, why is this and how could we help to fix it?