''Close All'' Bug
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2017-07-27 18:03
Edited by mew at 2017-7-27 10:06

Dear Deepin Team. I think there is a bug with the ''Close All'' command on app icons when displayed on the Deepin Dock under certain circumstances. To explain, when I have one or two apps open, plus a browser open at the same time. and I right-click on the browser icon displayed on the dock to select the ''Close All'' command, my whole system freezes and there is no response even though I am still able to click and move the mouse pointer around the screen. When my system freezes in this manner, the only way I can retrieve the situation is to force a shutdown of my system by holding down the power button on my laptop. When I boot up and log in again, everything runs normally,  but I now avoid repeating the same scenario as described above for fear of freezing my machine. I have experienced this bug three times so far.
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2017-07-28 15:32
Edited by mew at 2017-7-28 07:34

Dear Deepin Team. I am updating  my original post above. After sleeping on the ''Close All'' bug issue, today I woke up and decided to see if I could re-install the dde-dock. I searched on Synaptic Package  Manager and found the dde-dock listed as installed on Synaptic, and so just re-installed through Synaptic and now the dock ''Close All'' bug seems to have been resolved.  Apologies for assuming it was an OS software bug. Thank you again for your wonderful Deepin OS.
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2017-07-28 18:12
OK. Glad that the issue have been resolved. Any question please be free to contact us.
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