Some Nvidia Propietary Driver Tips
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2017-08-11 12:14
Edited by oscararg at 2019-1-17 13:06

Hello, I'm mostly new to Deepin, loving it for the time being (it's my main linux distro used right now), got to solve some problems after installation, mostly with propietary drivers of the title's trademark, and I see several people complaining about the same problems, so I'll try to put some solutions for some problems I've found and for sure, people will encounter: (Note: First of all run sudo nvidia-settings and in X Server Display Configuration generate a xorg.conf file clicking on Save to X configuration file and putting /etc/X11/xorg.conf as the destiny folder, not another, it doesn't works so).

The Dpi Problem

The most common one after installing propietary drivers and rebooting, can be solved easiily:

Open a Terminal and write:

sudo deepin-editor /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Add the following lines to the file (monitor section):

Option "DPI" "96 x 96"

It will solve the smaller fonts problem at launch and in some apps rendered by nvidia drivers. The perfect DPI for your screen(s), generally depends on the resolution they have and the length. There are several online DPI Calculators for that, remember that the best thing is to have some more percentage than the results, and it also depends on your likes.

Fan Control

That one is a problem with almost every linux distro, here is a solution:

Open Terminal and write:

sudo deepin-editor /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Add the lines (device section):

Option "Coolbits" "4"

Then reboot.

Coolbits can enable several Nvidia hidden configurations depending on the number you set to coolbits (overclocking, overvoltage, etc)... Putting it on 4 will enable manual settings on the nvidia panel, to put fan speed at an exact percentage, but of course its not enough! We continue:

Enter Nvidia Config panel and check "Enable GPU Fan Settings" in thermal settings. Then download Nvidia Fan
Extract and save it in an accessible place for you, desktop, documents, etc. Then Open terminal and write:

sudo apt install python-numpy (it probably will came installed, but check anyways)
sudo apt install python-qt4

Then open the "gpufancnv.pyw" as executable file, configure gpu fan curve as you like, enable fan control, and save the configuration.

As you'll see, the configuration is easier to understand, remember to run the app at launch, then minimize it, app credits to Jeff Buck.

I'll add more solutions in the future, please comment any thoughts or solutions you guys found for another things related to those drivers and related. By the time, Nvidia propietary driver configurations, at least the ones they provide, can be seen searching for the driver info at nvidia page. Be sure to not touch anything you don't know how works.

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2017-12-08 08:21
Updated today the Fan Control app zip link from version 0.1 to 0.5.1
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2018-03-23 09:21
Added photos about Coolbits and the Fan control app, must say too, in 0.5.1 version, multiple GPUs can have their fans configured.
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2018-11-27 18:26
Changed "gedit" with "deepin-editor" as this is the default text app right now.
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2019-01-18 08:04
Added info on how to generate xorg.conf file.
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