Black screen with blinking cursor at boot
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2017-10-24 21:22
I upgraded my Nvidia driver and restarted only it got stuck at the black screen with a blinking cursor at the left top.
Does anyone have an answer so that I can fix this?
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2017-10-24 22:02
Can you enter the deepin via tty?
Send us the log if you can enter via tty.
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2017-10-25 08:24
Edited by boysha at 2017-10-25 00:26

Sorry I didn't see your reply on time. What I did is: I reinstalled Deepin but kept the /home directory so to have all my previous settings and files.
I found out that when I used Driver Manager to implement a driver for my Nvidia Quadro 600 video card is when I get the same problem after
rebooting. It goes into black screen with one blinking spot at the upper left.
So this time around I reinstalled and left it the way it is - not updating the driver.
Maybe you have an idea how to fix this?
I will need instruction to access deepin in tty mode. I use Linux but I am still just a moderate user...
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2017-10-26 05:36
Press ctrl+alt+f2 to access tty mode.
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