Default display does not saved after reboot
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2017-11-20 11:12
I have a laptop and an external monitor which is connected over hdmi. I regularly use the laptop lid closed to use only the external monitor so. In the Control Center i choose the option "Only display on HDMI-1" and it work's great, the laptop screen goes off and only displays image on the external monitor. But, when i turn off the laptop and turn it on again, it starts using the laptop display even width the HDMI-1 connected, the login screen shows up on the HDMI-1 but when i logged in the main display is the laptop one and is always on extended display mode. So as i have the lid close i cant change to only "Only display on HDMI-1" because the Control Center shows up on the laptop display width the lid close.

How can i solve this problem please.
Thank you in advance.

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2017-11-23 02:00
Could you send the screen shot about your display settings?
There will be a “my setting” , we want to know the details.
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