Waaaay slow iso download time!
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2017-12-05 11:07
Hi Everyone,

Total Deepin newbie here.  Used Ubuntu several years, tried UbuntuMATE, Kubuntu, and just wanted something better/different.  This distro got really high marks on the 'net, so I thought I'd give it a whirl.

I'm not really very tech savvy... only way I know how to download it is to use the link on the "Download" page.  It's wicked slow, though; I'm getting estimated times in DAYS, not minutes or even hours.  It's only a 3.2 Gb file; shouldn't take that long to download it, no matter where it's coming from, should it?

I've looked at the mirror sites listed, but I don't really understand exactly what I'm supposed to be downloading from those sites... they just look like a file explorer directory listing, no graphics, no clickable link buttons or anything.  Just a whole lot of folders nested several deep, and even after reading the text files, I'm no closer to knowing exactly which file(s) need to be downloaded to wind up with an iso that I can burn to disc.

Thanks for reading this... any help would be greatly appreciated!

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