Distrowatch statistics are fake
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2018-01-13 03:14
deepin 15.5 64bit is the best linux distribution out there (maybe only Solus and Kubuntu are decent and work fine like deepin 15.5 does).The deepin 15.5 apps (like the System Monitor) are beautiful and work fine.

It is impossible that deepin is 14th in popularity.
Distrowatch statistics are probably fake to hide a precious Chinese product.

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2018-01-13 04:17
Never mind. Don't forget Chinese user market is the largest one of the world.
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2018-01-13 04:37
don‘t care. in Distrowatch RED HAT and SUSE are also behind many small distribution, which are merely developed by tiny groups. Sometimes statistics do not mean anything
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2018-01-13 04:51
To take the amount of browsing, the development of the game is a necessary lesson. Say those are all nonsense
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2018-01-13 04:55
the statistics just reflects number of click, which is not necessorily associated with quality and performance
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2018-01-13 06:12
Yes, but the number of clicks is related to the number of people that browse the Web site of deepin and of the Web sites of the other distributions. The number of click is wrong in any case.
2018-01-13 05:25
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2018-01-13 05:50
gongyf 发表于 2018-1-12 21:25

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2018-01-13 06:44
It is beautiful and it does works great. But maybe the problem is its lack of publicity. There are many loyal users of other Linux distributions that won't replace their traditional Linux distribution with Deepin 15.5 easily. On the other hand, it is hard to tell which Linux distribution is the BEST. The answer differs from man to man.

What I want to tell you is that it doesn't matter whether the statistics is true or not. If you like Deepin, recommend it to your friends.
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2018-01-15 06:06
I agree with that.
The majority is still using Windows because most people don't know that Linux exist.
But that doesn't mean that Windows is better.
I don't care about the statistics.
I know that Deepin is better and I can only laugh about that people who still use Windows because they don't know that Linux could make their lifes easier.
I think it's similar with the Distributions.
Many people use the big ones because they don't know that smaller but better exist.
But that doesn't matter.
At least they don't use Windows and that's great.
I don't only recommend Deepin to other people.
I know that they can't install systems theirselves so I do it for them.
Everyone who got an Linux from me is very happy now.
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2018-01-15 19:37
Edited by techmedixx at 2018-1-15 11:43

Deepin 15.5 is one fantastic distro. It has been a joy to use (as daily driver) and is from top to bottom as beautiful as it is innovative. It is professional in design & implementation. I have experienced no issues at all after the 15.4 to 15.5 update, and each update since has made it even better.  

Deepin is a perfect replacement for any wishing to ditch Mac & Microsoft operating systems. It is very Windows like in operation (eg. left click drag and drop file moving) but is all Linux. It gets so many things right that other distros never quite do.

I tried Elementary and while polished, it was not very innovative & just too Mac like for my tastes. I never cared much for Mac OS, but I did appreciate a few of its features. Same goes for Windows, and I found the best features of both of those operating systems in deepin.

So to say I am a deepin convert & evangelist is an understatement and I try to bring to to everyone's attention that is still using a Mac or Windows OS.

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2018-02-06 06:45
I know this is an old post but Deeepin is a great OS. One of the best Linux experiences out there. The "popular" distributions should be looking and following what Deepin is doing. I am using it as a daily driver and soon will move more users to it. Keep up the great work and effort.
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