My USB drive has been locked
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2018-01-22 09:13
One of the problems that I often have is that my usb drives become locked if I try to take it from my computer to a computer that runs a different operating system. This is really annoying, as I often need to do this for school and a few other things. The only thing that I've ever been able to do to unlock it is to wipe it with DBAN (my preferred wipe software). However, this doesn't happen with all of my usb drives all of the time, so I thought it would be safe to use one of those usb drives just once to transfer a file to a school computer. Well, it locked up as soon as I plugged it in. Yea!

So, my question is: How do I unlock it?

I've already looked up how to do it on ubuntu, and I found this:

~ sudo hdparm -r0 /dev/sdb1

Where < sdb1 > is the location of my flash drive. I think this is correct because I used this < ~ lsblk > to find the location of my drive. Unfortuneately, this didn't work, which is why I'm here.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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2018-01-22 09:22
format as fat32
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2018-01-23 22:23
would that erase everything? And how would I put that into the console?
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2018-01-27 06:55
Yes,formatting deletes everything.
You can do it by running the following command:
mkfs -t vfat /dev/sdXX
Replace XX by the char of the device and the partition number.
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