deepin repository | Place to put requests for updates for packages
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2018-02-03 03:30
is there a place, where I can mark a package as outdated and request an update? This is a feature that I know there is for Arch's AUR repository.

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2018-02-03 07:06
The AUR is something completely different.
AUR packages are managed by the community (that's why it's called user repositories) without any warranty for being stable and free of malware.
You can upload things there yourself if you think the available version new enough.
But you can't do that with Archs official repositories and you also can't do that with Deepins repositories.
They are managed by the Deepin team which tests for compatibility and stability and that check can't be given to the community.
Something like user repositories for Deepin (upload and manage your own apps to the Appstore) would be really cool but it doesn't exist and you can't request any changes for the official repositories.
Probably someone here in the forum will read this and updates it but there isn't any other way.
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