Gnome upgrade
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2018-02-13 13:11
Hi, do you have any plan to upgrade the Gnome version in the near future? The current used version is already 2 years old and Debian is already testing 3.27 unstable version. The 3.26 is stable from several months, and there are lot of gnome improvements which are missing in the current Deeping OS.. I have tested few gnome applications from 3.26 version in flatpak sandboxes and the improvements are looking promising. The only issue with these sandboxes is that each application is more or less complete isolated by the others; a simple email client has no clue of the other applications running on my computer and the only way of using attachements is saving everything on disk and then opening the files with the appropriate application. It's no integration at all, less productivity than ever. Thus, from my point of view, with all real advantages of having an application running in different gnome or whatever desktop application, sandboxing is not a real sollution if you want to have productivity. Its just a testing solution, nothing more. I would love moving to newer gnome version, moving forward with all related software.
Thank you
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